Chapter 10: Thinking about you

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A/N: Heyy stars! 🌟 I made an announcement days ago, that I'm going to post a 2nd book, still continuing on to beastworld, beastmen, primitive. (Chapter cover: anime/ Dress up my darling)

(Check it out on my profile for info)❤️❤️❤️

3rd POV

Sebastian was sleeping soundly when he felt something small and warm wrapping around his shoulders. Instantly opening his eyes, he saw Maxine sleeping face up close. She laid right beside his chest tightly wrapping her arms around him, leaving no gap in between them.

Sebastian smiled fondly as he caressed her soft cheeks and viewed her cute sleeping face.

Her soft hands that wrapped around his shoulder reached up and touched his cat ears. She unconsciously strokes his fluffy ears at every crevice. Making Sebastian feel aroused when she began squeezing his sensitive ears.

He began blushing heavily as his body started to heat up. His member down below that had been silent a moment ago, started to form a tent under his fur skirt. It made it harder for him to suppress his beastly urges.

Sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist, tightly embracing her. He nuzzles his head in the crook of her neck. Taking a deep breath as he inhaled her cozy scent, soothing him in bliss. His tail that was under the soft blankets started to sway back and forth happily. It made his mind be at peace when he heard her gentle and warm breathing.

Sebastian soon lost his sanity, when he inhaled something under the sheets. Taking the blankets off of them, he gulped as he knew that Maxine's estrous cycle had begun. Inhaling her sweet alluring fragrance made his mind and vision become vague as her fragrance became even more stronger.

He looked at sleeping Maxine with eyes filled with lust, already focused on her pink cherry lips. He moved his hand carefully on her smooth and soft face. Then he placed his thumb to touch her bottom lip passing an electric shock through his body. Not realizing that he moved forward to nibble her plump lips.

As soon as their lips touched Maxine's hand retracted back to block his face out of hers. She groaned in annoyance that something was blocking her face when she was still sleeping. Pushing away the barrier from her face, then turned around on the other side of the bed. Laying down on the soft pillow while she continues her beauty sleep.

Sebastian soon came back to his senses as he was pushed off the bed. Now landing on the stone floor. His face was bright red as he sat there fazed by what had happened. He ran out of the room, knowing that he suddenly lost control and had done something embarrassing.

Transforming into his jaguar form, he dashed out of the den frantically searching for the nearest body of water to relieve his senses. As well as his forming tent that stiffened below.


Sebastian leaped in the air transforming back into his beastman form. Landing right in the river butt naked. The deep river soaked away his beastly desires that made him return back to his senses. After swimming around in the cold water, he came back to their den holding a leaf full of cotton.

Sebastian saw that Maxine had prepared food for him as there was a hot bowl of soup sitting on the table. He smelled some of her sweet fragrance coming from her. He noticed that she had taken a bath earlier that covered her smell with a flowery scent. He walked towards her, handing a leaf full of cotton. She thanked him and ran to the bathroom holding the cotton.

Sebastian looked in Maxine's direction, staring at the bathroom door where she was in. He sighed worriedly. He had to protect her more carefully especially during her estrous cycle. Maxine's sweet fragrance can attract wandering beasts that surround their den. He remembered that her estrous cycle was different from other females as it came every month and ended for a few days.

Maxine told him that she can get pregnant anytime but not during her estrous cycle which meant that she had high fertility to give birth to multiple litters. Sebastian feared that if someone found out about her fertility, news would spread across the land as she would become a breeder. Being forced at will to give birth to different litters to increase the population.

That in his mind would make him go bonkers, seeing her being used as a tool just to help increase population. He stands against having her be used and manipulated just for the sake of others. She has been through enough during the years, Sebastian wanted her to live freely and enjoy every second of life. If anyone dares to harm her, he will eliminate them completely and not let their ashes be seen.

Sebastian POV

It soon became noon, I told Maxine to stay in the house with Lezon who visited us. He helped her cover up her fragrance so it doesn't attract wandering beasts. Giving her herbal medicine in case she suffers any pain during her estrous cycle. I left them to do their own thing while I was away to hunt.

I thought about Maxine as it filled my head with worry and need. I missed having her by my side, her lively presence was enough. She gave me all the attention and praise I've craved for. She wasn't like them, she was special.

My head was filled with her as I hunted. I ran through the mossy forest in search of prey to catch, smelling and listening to any presence nearby.


I catch a whiff of some rabbit nearby.

With my sharp smell, I chased after the scent to see what I was facing. There it was, the rabbit was nearly 4 ft. tall that had thick white fur and red beady eyes that looked demonic. It had two massive fang teeth in the front of its mouth used for defense.

I slow down to a crouch behind some bushes and listen carefully to the prey for any sudden movements. I peer through the leaves, pouncing on the rabbit as it was distracted. Piercing it using my teeth right on its neck, killing it instantly before it had the chance to run away.

Transforming back into my beastman form, the blood gushed out its neck onto my mouth, dripping down to my throat. I grabbed my prey walking towards a nearby pond, cleaning it off. Finishing up, I take the kill and wrapped it over a leaf to keep it moist and tender.

I hurried back to the den with the kills wrapped in my mouth. I came to the clearing as I saw them on the front lawn making something under a campfire.

When I arrived, I saw them boiling red soup in a big stone pot, beside them were wooden crates filled with clay jars. Some of the small clay jars were filled with red liquid while others were empty. Lezon was cleaning the jars with fur while Maxine was stirring the boiling soup with a large wooden spoon.

I frowned, placing my wrapped hunt on a wooden table and made my way to her.

" Let me do it for you," I said, snatching the wooden spoon out of her hand. As I began stirring the hot stew in a circular motion.

" What are you making? " I said curiously turning my head to her

" Tomato sauce, it's very good! '' she gleefully said

Maxine further explained that they were making sauce since there were too many tomatoes in the cellar that were about to rot. She wanted to salvage the tomatoes by making them into tomato sauce. As it can be stored for a long time and good for making delicious food with.

Sebastian chuckled by her funny expression on how excited she is talking about a simple vegetable. He smiled fondly at her cheerful nature as it made him happy to be around her.

🌟🌟Thank you for reading! 🌟🌟

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