Chapter 22: To the beasts city

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(Chapter cover: Pintrest/anime village)

Maxine POV

It has been twenty minutes since Sebastian left to go meet Ray. Who was inside the bedroom, recovering. Before Sebastian entered the room I told him "to go easy on him" and not do anything rash. He simply nodded, to make sure he kept his promise. I made sure of it by making him pinky swear it to the beasts gods!

He did but after he left. I felt nervous since my instincts told me to intervene between the two just to make sure nothing sketchy was going on. In the main room, I bit my lips while pacing around in a circle nervously.

"Maybe they're having an epic battle right now! or maybe... they're playing with dolls! Who knows what they are doing there?! " I thought as my mind wandered wildly to what was behind the closed door.

I was more worried about Ray who was inside there. What will happen to him?! Earlier before Sebastian left, in the corner of my eye I saw his lips mischievous smirk when he looked at the door.

By the looks of it, he was pretty upset, it was like he was going to murder someone just by the look on his eyes. When I saw his expression it made me shrivel up into ashes, scared to see what he will do next.

I kept biting my lip as I paced back and forth while looking at the wooden door that was closed. Soon my lips began to ooze out blood but I wiped it up using my finger. I don't want Ray to be hurt even more, he has gone through so much. Getting Ray beat up by Sebastian was the last thing I wanted. It would hurt me if my two best friends don't get along.

Actually you know what! I had enough of laying back and watching this unfold! I swifty and steadily sneaked my way to the door as I began to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Uh- why can't I hear anything" I groaned as I squished the side of my face near the door.

However, once I heard Sebastian say "body" then something shattering similar to a bone cracking.

(Anime: Love is war!/Chika)

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(Anime: Love is war!/Chika)

My eyes widened, bewildered by what I heard behind the door. "Oh no! He's going to put him in a body bag then feed him to the wolves even though Ray is a wolf!" I thought.

It made my face crack frozen, making my mind run wild with crazy thoughts about what was going on!


I loudly yelled, boldly opening the door with great confidence. It was like I was an ex-lover stopping the groom and bride from getting married. Sebastian and Ray looked stunned seeing me burst in the room. After a second their faces simultaneously tilted confusion with their blank expression.

It was like they were telling me "what the hell are you talking about?"

" I object, Sebby, you promised me!" I repeated my words to him, only making them even more confused.

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