Chapter 23: Downsides of traveling

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(Chapter cover: artstation art work/Pinterest)

Maxine POV

After packing up all our belongings into my duffel bag, I waved goodbye to our old home one last time. When everything was ready to go Sebastian transformed into his jaguar form. He crouched down to me and I got on top of him as we started to depart. From behind, Raymond followed along in his wolf form.

Sebastian roared back at Ray as he started running swiftly through the forest passing heavy thick leaves and vines around. Everything was indistinct, I couldn't see what was in front of me. The only thing I saw was a blur of colors passing by. I felt the chilling breeze that made my hair sway, it was a thrilling ride.

(Time passed)

Night came and it was time for us to sleep, the three of us rested inside a cave. I saw Ray lighting up a dim campfire while Sebastian curled up around me in his jaguar form. I huddled closer to him for extra warmth as I thought of all the things that happened. Everything turned out okay in the end except for Ray getting kicked out that caused us to move. But it was alright since we were about to eventually move out of there when the story starts.

In the corner of my eye, Ray shifted into a wolf laying down on the opposite side. With just enough space I lightly patted his head making him turn to me. He chuffed, rubbing his head on my hand for comfort which I found adorable! Soon after, my hand was pulled away from Ray's head. Sebastian growled at the wolf once pulling me away.

"Hey Sebby, be nice!" I said, pinching his cheeks as punishment. It made his cat ears droop down and tail swish slowly. He hissed as I stretched his furry cheeks up and down.

Sebastian began vigorously shaking his head to escape from my clutches. He then took revenge by licking my face. I giggled trying to block his face out of mine but it only made him forcefully lick me more. I appreciate his loving gestures. But I have to admit the spikes he has on his tongue kind of hurt, it was similar to sandpaper.

It was then morning, we woke up and ate breakfast early so that we could reach the beast city at noon. I got on top of Raymond as we quickly moved out, we followed Sebastian who was in front scouting on what's ahead.

I look around just to only see grass, grass, and even more grass. I don't know about them but I'm bored, and tired of traveling. The only things I saw during this entire trip were trees, grass, and even more grass! Not even a single animal in plain sight! During this trip I thought we would encounter some cool creatures on the way but no there were none to be seen.

Now my thighs and bum hurt just from sitting for a long time... At first, I was having a good time looking at pretty views and plants around but now this is plain torture. God.. how much longer?! I dramatically cried, landing my front body on Ray's fluffy fur.

I turned my body around facing the sky. " When are we going to get there?" I questioned, only to have them ignore my words.

I pouted, crossing my arms in irritation.

"Ray, are we there yet? Are we?"

"Are we there yet? Are we there now" I said, repeating it several times while poking his side cheek.

It soon made Raymond growl slowly by my annoying antics. Just as I was going to ask him again, he dropped me down.

When I fell, it made my heart throb but I was soon relieved when Sebastian caught me as I landed on top of him. But soon after that, my lips crept a smile as I kept annoying them for revenge. I giggled when they looked at me with their annoyed faces, it was like they were saying " please just stop.."

" Sebby ar- wait...' Just as I was going to annoy the hell out of him there I saw a tall thing in the distance. It made my heart beat excitedly. While Sebastian and Raymond huff in relief that her torture has stopped.

I gasped when I finally saw something in the distance!

" What's that in the distance?! Wait... Is that a wall?! Yay a wall!" I screamed cheerfully.

I knew it wasn't any type of wall but it was a stone wall. One thing I knew for sure, this wall that looked like the great wall of China was actually the Beast City! This was where the story began! Where all the main characters come together in one!

When we got closer to the great stone wall, I heard loud screeches above the sky. I lifted my head up to see birds flying?! " Wowie, birds?!" I screamed, astonished by my new discoveries.

I saw two beastmen, one that looked like a bear and the other was a tiger. Sebastian let out a roar announcing his presence to the guards making them tremble. We were let inside and I became astonished by the many homes and beasts roaming around.

There were a lot of males and very few females around. I saw that most homes were made out of wood, stone, dried grass, and other natural materials. Their homes were definitely better than living in a hobbit hole since there were not many widows or much open space.

Looking around the city, I can't help but feel uncomfortable. There were so many stares looking my way. Most of the stare's were coming from beastmen of all types. Fox, wolf, leopard, bear you name it there were so many that looked at me with a shock look. A few females I came across gave me a nasty look on their faces.

Sebastian domineeringly roared, making the males scattered away. They trembled upon the sight of him and Ray who growled viciously. We soon made our way inside town to a village called Camel top valley. The residences here were mostly feline orcs and some bears living there. The valley was just like the name as it had steep and big hills, there on the hills were houses scattered around.

There at the top of the hill I saw a hut bigger than the rest. It must've been Sebastian's house from the past. He must've lived in it during his journey of finding a cure. The house was made out of stone but it had wooden frames attached to it. The roof was made out of dark wood panels that also had two cute chimneys. The house was one story but considering how tall it was, I would say there might be a room inside the long gated roof. The area around the house had wooden fences and a couple of trees nearby.

(Pinterest: anime village art)

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(Pinterest: anime village art)

I hopped off Sebastian landing on the grassy ground. They soon transformed into their beastmen form naked, I rummaged through my bag pulling out two skirt furs and handed it to them. I tried not looking down there but it's hard not to! Besides, who wouldn't want to look at these hot naked men?! They're stunning abs looked like god himself sculpted them.

A second before I opened the door, there was a loud roaring coming from behind. We turned around and saw three orcs approaching our home then stopping near the fence. In the middle, was a elderly man that looked like he was in his 80's. He was about 5'2ft with fair skin, brown eyes, grey curly hair and a long beard.

The elder beastman wore a fancy orange skirt that wrapped around his left shoulder, it had cool patterns on it. Besides the elderly man I saw two muscular orcs that had purple and brown hair standing guard. They had dark colored fur skirts and capes that covered their shoulders.

Seeing this man right in front of my eyes got me curious, just who is this man?

Is he a part of the storyline too?

-Thanks for reading❤️

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