🍋 Chapter 47: Sweet treat

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(Manga: Male lead I respect your taste)

Maxine POV

"Awwww! Seanie, Is that for mommy?" I asked.

I was in awe seeing my cub, who had a single pink flower in his hand. When he came back from a short hunting trip with his father and brothers. I saw my jaguar baby who was in his beastkin form come running with his two baby legs towards me with excitement. I saw his pink eyes shimmer while his tail and furry ears perked up feeling happy.

Rowan, who was between all of us, observed the cubs. He looked at Sean who was looking at me and sneaked his finger to pinch his cheek. It was so chubby and smooth Rowan pinched once more.

"Chubby cheeks," Rowan whispered.

"Mama, luve?" Sean questioned.

Sean's small fingers touched each other feeling nervous as he stood there turning his hips left and right. He had his head down while his pink eyes peeked at me waiting for my response. His cute little jaguar ears perk open ready to hear what I had to say.

"KKKKkkkyyyyyaaaa!!!! So cute!" I squealed. My jaguar baby is just too cute! I patted the top of his brown fluffy hair, using my finger to light poke his chubby cheek.

"Yea, Mommy loves it very much! Thank you, baby"

When I saw his nervous face earlier his pink eyes glimmered brightly when he heard my sweet compliment. I felt a love arrow striking my heart seeing my baby's bright smile in front of my eyes. I pulled Sean closer to me, trapping him into a hug. He giggled when I tickled his funny bone near his hip. He used his hands to playfully tug and touch my face.

Lately, Sebby took the cubs in the forest to train. My cubs who were still in their jaguar form are now able to transform into their beastkin form and now are ten months old. They were still small in their beastkin form but talking to them was what made my whole day.

"MAMMAAA!" A loud baby voice yelled in the air.

Me, Sean and Rowan turned around and there we saw Sage aka the momma's boy come with a pouty expression.

Sage was indeed jealous when stomping his small feet towards us. I saw his chubby cheek bloat red as he stood tall with his puffed chest trying to act intimidating. His pink eyes narrowed in seriousness but closely observing he had teary eyes ready to cry.

"More chubby cheeks," Rowan whispered once more. He had his finger ready to poke the Sage soft yet bloated cheeks.

"You stop! Stop!" Sage said repeatedly. He had his hands open showing a stop right at his brother's face.

I giggled seeing Sage's face lean closer towards his from just to give him a pout with his bloated cheeks. When I was holding Sean in my arms Sage used his arms to pull him off out of jealousy. His jaguar baby fangs were shown.

"Sage! No fight! Don't fight with your brother"

Both babies screamed as Sage "the momma's boy" tried pulling Sean off my arms. His hands slightly pulled and poked Sean's brown hair but Rowan grabbed his hand off in an instant. Sage who was now around Rowan's arms growled at Sean still in my arms.

I moved Sam into my other arms to let Sage come in my other arm.

"Hmph!" Was what Sage said with a pouty face.

Sage crossed his arms and turned his head around angry. His fur in his tail rose like a cat feeling aggressive. His body now faced Rowan with his head now slumped in his left shoulder.

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