Chapter 57: Family reunion

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It was already the next morning when I was at home with my four cubs and Axel. I was working on making more baskets for my cubs. Mostly since my two leopard cubs kept biting and nipping each other's fur off. Fighting each other on who goes inside the basket first.

Seeing it happening right now, I instantly separated from them hearing their small growls. My two other female cubs sat on Axel's lap playing with the leaves and straws. When Axel dropped a stick on the ground it made Mabel and Reha hysterically laugh. Also making Axel widely smile seeing the two girls laugh from his simple action.

When I turned my head away I saw Charlie and Luca. Who had their small bodies crawling up to me where I was still weaving a basket. The basket I weaved was made out of straw and sticks. Even though the basket was not finished they still fought over it. Trying to get inside the unfinished basket in front of me. When Luca got inside the small basket Charlie began weeping, growling at his brother to leave.

Luca's furry body curled around the basket with his head down. With Charlie weeping as he tried getting into the basket. Alas it was too small for both of them to get inside. Charlie's body was on top of Luca's, squishing his brother as he laid in the basket. To that I had to make a bigger basket for all my cubs to fit in.

" Cubs come out. Mommy will make a basket bigger"

I grabbed Charlie then Luca placed them on my lap. Luca, who was squished by his brother earlier, was long asleep seeing his fuzzy body curled into a ball. While Charlie laid down with body laying in the side watching me weave a bigger basket.

After an hour of weaving, I finished making a big basket that can fit all my four cubs inside. Charlie meowed that made his big golden eyes shimmer. When I placed him in the basket I saw his tail wiggle in excitement. Soon after, all my cubs took their nap after playing for a while. I left them with Axel to go relax outside.

I sat on the grass and took a deep breath. When I first came here the only thing I wanted to do was leave. I wanted to find my mates instead of staying here. All I thought of was finding my family. Every single day until now I still worry about them.

I was determined to find my family but however Axel opposed it. He and I had different views. Last season at the start of war when I was cooped inside Axel's home. I spent most of my days inside Axel's home. I didn't know where it was or how far it was from the beast city. The only thing I knew was that his home was made out of stone. The first floor has a total of three rooms consisting of two beds, and one living room/kitchen.

The second floor was nothing but a small lake outside surrounded by tall rock cliffs. Even though the second floor was in the forest it was impossible to escape not with the massive rock walls. It was like a very deep hole and at the bottom was the lake. The trees at the very top loomed over and as the seasons changed that when I could tell it had been a year.

When there is an entrance there is an exit. The moment I discovered the secret entrance Axel has been using to get in and out when going hunting. I took the chance to see it for myself when he was out hunting. The first floor of his den was connected to another cave and when I kept walking. I was in shock seeing that the only entrance out was a cliff at the very end.

No wonder Willow couldn't escape!

My only two options were to jump or climb down. Which I did not want to try because I would only end up falling to my death if I tired either one!

However, during that whole season I wasn't planning on staying. Waiting for my mates like a damsel in distress. With the trees that loomed down and leaves fell. I was weaving dried leaves together and testing it out, enough for me and my cubs to climb down safely. The long and very thick rope I weaved all year long was almost done. I just needed some more dried leaves. With or without his help.

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