🍋 Chapter 35: New rivals, new problems

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(Chapter cover: pixiv.net/ user: 森を眺める瞳)

A/N: Readers beware.. this chapter is labeled "lemon"which mean there is smut content. You have been warned!🫵⚠️⚠️

3rd POV

After that major shock when they went back to their temporary room. Maxine became stressed and tired just from the sudden news. Though it was something they hadn't planned, she is happy either way.

Maxine knew the risks but it was just so life changing for her. When they came back Raymond went hunting while she and Sebastian took a quick nap. But who knew her nap took longer. When she woke up it was already the next day.

Sebastian slept beside her still dozing off. His head laid on the soft pillow while his whole body wrapped around her.

Maxine tried to get up without disturbing his peaceful sleep but it was a challenging task when she was literally trapped in his tight embrace. His body was that of an octopus when all of his legs, tail, and arms wrapped around her.

In the coming weeks time flew by so quickly just after knowing her surprise pregnancy. Sebastian, now finally on a vacation, had spent his time protectively watching his wife.

Day by day he and Raymond check up on Maxine while they run around to get her various food she has been craving. At first Maxine didn't have any symptoms, being four weeks in. But now a month pregnant as of today. Her belly so far wasn't as big, more like a bump. Recently, she has been having odd cravings for various food combinations.

She begged Sebastian in tears to make sweet chocolate treats, which she dipped in octopus soup. She didn't whole heartedly regret eating it as sometimes she would force Sebastian to test some of some of her weird cravings first.

It was already a month passed and Maxine knew that the great orc event starts in the afternoon. Which means the heroine is going to finally make an appearance!

Before she meets her and the mysterious second male lead she needs to prepare for what's to come!

Maxine cautiously began to unravel Sebastian off of her. His arms were by far the hardest to remove. It was like prison bars, whenever she moved his arms wouldn't budge.

When Maxine managed to release herself out of his grasp she slowly but steadily tip-toed towards the door. She tried her hardest not to disturb his peaceful sleep. But just when she took a step further a sudden hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her down onto the soft fluffy bed.

" Where are you going? don't leave me."

He sadly whimpered while clinging on to her body. She laid right on top of him with her back on his chest. Maxine's back head laid right under the front of his neck. While his chin rested on top of her head. She enjoyed hearing his cute sounds of purring while he rubbed his tail right on her small bump.

**Time Lapse🍋 (beware has some smut) SKIP if u don't want to read

"come sleep with me~ "

Not long before Maxine felt a unwelcomed hand making its way under her clothing. His hand clutched on to her bare breasts and began groping it. His other hand wandered deep below her bottoms right on her ass. He slowly began pulling out the side of her thin laced panties.

She felt embarrassed knowing that he must have smelt her arousal from earlier. Her face soon turned red once she felt something long and slippery touch right under her crotch. When he growled then she realized it was his growing dick right under her bare crotch.

When she slightly turned her head to look at Sebastian. He was looking at her, his orange eyes hooded with lust. She sighed once he began rubbing his bare erection while using his hands to knead her breasts.

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