Chapter 36: The tiger outside my window

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(Chapter cover/manga: Father I don't want to get married)

3rd POV

Maxine woke up to a loud banging noise filled with slams and knocks outside. She sleepily sat up, yawning to what that blasting sound came from!

Her body screamed in protest not wanting to move an inch. From all the mating she and Sebastian did that night. She preferred to rest in peace rather than wake up to a loud sound.

"Who is it... so early in the morning..." Sebastian lazily yawned.

He scrunched his eyes and sat up from bed still dozy. It made him growl as his irritation grew when the loud noise grew louder than before. There he angrily stood awake and stomped his feet.

He hated how that blasting noise woke up him and his wife! He marched down stairs to the noise ready to beat the shit out to whoever they were.

"Sebby?" Maxine yawned, rubbing her tried eyes. 

She went right back to sleep but not before another knock came. The source of the knock came from the window just from the side of their room.

Maxine abruptly stood up from bed and turned her head to the direction of the noise. She couldn't believe it but there she saw him once again...

"Ugh, not again.. You damn tiger quit stalking me!"

Maxine hollered out loud to the tiger beastmen sitting right on the dark oak tree that was just by their room.

"Female, my name is not tiger! It's Axel, get it right!" He yelled back while sitting in between the trunk of the tree as he bluntly looked at the white haired female right in front of him.

He boldly questioned Maxine about the thin clothing she wore. He hasn't seen such clothing worn by a female before. The thin laced dress worn on her was so well stitched that it looked very pretty. It had white and pink fabric with patterns on them. It was so unique that he even could see through her skin.

Axel's words to her made Maxine slightly embarrassed covering her short night dress using the fur blanket on the floor. She tied the wrapped blanket tightly around her body.

"How evil of you to bother me when I'm sleeping! Just you wait when I get there!" Maxine thought.

Maxine angrily pouted as she strutted her ways to the cocky tiger right in her window. She couldn't believe that he had the balls to intrude on her morning nap and dare to create such loud noise! Especially to a pregnant woman like herself, the mornings for her were off limits. Waking her was not an option! She needed her sleep so that she didn't end up cranky.

As much as she wanted to use her powers to strike this arrogant tiger up in the air. Alas she couldn't. She made a pinky promise to Sebastian to not do anything rash that might have orcs talk about her. Rumors can circulate around when they discover Maxine's true power. Maxine instead took it easy and decided to play it cool even though she was irritated. Her getting woken up in the morning was a no no!

Just as of yesterday, Maxine remembered the time where she and Raymond had a talk about their past. During the old days where Raymond was in his darkest days when living in the wolf tribe. And where Maxine had always barged into his cave at random times.

Well lets just say that Maxine now knows what Raymond felt whenever she intruded. Especially during his afternoon nap! She sees that with the tiger who intruded. It was annoying to say the least.

It was just like this but with a tiger outside her damn window!

"You could have used the door. You know how normal orcs get inside" Maxine said to him. She pointed her finger to his cheek then pinched it as hard as she could for revenge. She had a dark expression on her face when pinching the arrogant tiger.

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