Chapter 20: Something new

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3rd POV

" Get him! Drive him off the tribe!

"He is a danger to everyone here!"

"Yeah, drive him off! How dare you harm our Lara?!" Another wolf beastmen said

" Don't let him escape! "

Fire blazing wooden torches were set around the wolf tribe in search of a criminal that day. The loud howls were heard around the mountain as many wolf beastmen scavenge to find him. The atmosphere was cold and barbaric under the dark night sky.

Deep inside the mountains, there was a wolf that hid behind the dark shadows. He stood there in complete darkness slumping his back down. His dull jade eyes looked back and forth in either direction.

When it was clear, the wolf emerged from the shadows revealing his tainted fur that was covered in bloody marks. It coated his black fur into a reddish hue. He dashed out of the wolf village as his body trembled leaving behind bloody trails behind him.

" H-how could she?! I-i was her.. childhood friend... W-what did I do to deserve all of this?"

 W-what did I do to deserve all of this?"

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(Twitter:#jinx/Jin woojin)

"Why why!" he said in a hoarse voice, letting out a small whimper that made his head and body throb in pain.

A tight painful feeling aches inside of him like something sharp was piercing through him. As an anxious pooling soon crept up inside him. It was like he just lost his last sanity within him, almost making him turn crazy than he already is.

"Why is it always me.... "

Raymond dashed through the dense forest as he darted his way out. However, he heard the sound of howls coming closer to him. It made him run even faster, neglecting his limping leg and severe body that hurt like hell.

In the matter of seconds, numerous wolf beastmen gathered around circling him. They all growled as they viciously gaze the black wolf down. Many began to fume their anger cussing out the black wolf for his sin of harming their beloved Lara.

The black wolf in the middle quivered in fear but in the inside he was fuming with anger, that made his jade eyes gleam as it glinted a murderous green glow under the night. Looking around Raymond knew that many of them wanted him dead. They only wanted him to not exist in this world. They both despise and wish for his death.

When the sun was down, the moon rose, turning it completely night. Raymond stood there in complete darkness, staring at the countless wolf beastmen that surrounded him. He waited and observed them. He watched them trailing around him, he sharply waited for the right time to make his move.

In an instant, the black wolf dashed out but not before getting bitten several times by nearby wolves. Raymond ran and ran until his eyes started to narrow down. He felt his energy draining and legs getting slower. In the distance, he could hear them getting closer to him.

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