Chapter 53: Eat or forever hold your peas!

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(From Pinterest)

Axel POV

It has been one whole season since the war. From the beginning when I discovered the tiger king conspiring to rule over the beast city. I had to do something about it. Although I loathe most of the ocrs living in the beast city. Especially that bastard who somehow is supposed to be my older brother. The beast city was my home that had someone special I wanted to protect.

And no it wasn't Caius! That bastard can die for all I care. It will be convenient for me when he dies since I will be one step closer to protecting her.

With Maxine who was pregnant we moved from place to place during the war. By then I made up my mind and decided to take her to the safest place out there. Which was my own den. By far no orc or even Caius does not know where I live.

In the past I used to move a lot due to females barging in my den to mate. I turned down all the females who dare to invade my territory. That was inside the beast city. It happened repeatedly that I eventually stopped going out in public and decided to live a life of solitude.

When living alone it didn't stop those persistent females from coming back. Mainly, the tiger king's nephew named Rosemary. That loud mouth of hers won't ever shut up! Back when I ran into her after she came back from her trip. It was better to ignore her than talking. She was a real pain in the ass trying to kick her out of my den.

She was half the reason why I moved so frequently back then! When I was searching for a place to live. I learned that the farther away it is from the beast city the less for any orc to find. So it's better to find a territory hidden in plain sight.

My efforts were finally accomplished once I found the perfect spot to mark my own. With the great distance between my new den and the beast city no one will ever find it. By how long it took to travel by foot and how long I thoroughly searched. My own territory I marked was the most difficult to find for a normal orc. Since it wasn't on the ground. It was instead inside a high steep mountain that had many plants grown around it.


Right now I am inside my den standing right beside Maxine who sat down on the chair.

"Now are you going to eat or what? Little mouse, don't make me force you to eat."

"Hmph!" Maxine said,

I stood there holding a wooden bowl filled with soup I cooked. I saw her pink eyes narrowed as she turned her head away. With her bitter pout on her face I trailed my eyes down and saw the other tiny mouse with a pouting face. It was Maxine's tiny female cub named Reha who sat on her lap, pouting at me. Copying the same expression as her mother.

A couple of months ago, Maxine gave birth earlier than expected. She had four cubs in total. Two leopards and two female cubs. She named the leopards Charlie and Luca who were Caius'. The female cub named Mabel was Sebastian's. And the final female cub named Reha was Rowan's. All four small cubs were about two months old as of now.

I extended my arm that held the spoon towards little Reha. The first thing I saw when the spoon came close to her face was her pout. Just like her mother who declined the soup, little Reha did the same. The tiny female cub in Maxine's arms had its chubby cheeks bloated red.

"Reha, say ahhh~" I teased.

But she bloated her cheeks once more. Reha's small curly side ponytail rustled when she turned her head to the side. Whenever I see her pout she resembles a bubble fruit. With her purple hair and small body, her bloated cheeks were adorable.

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