Chapter 42: Willow's true colors

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(Chapter cover: user: 森を眺める瞳)

3rd POV

"Alright, you can go"

Caius sighed and nodded his head to his mate's previous request on wanting to hangout with her friends. He knew that if they were all in his office, silence would never be an option.

All three females left Caius' office with Maxine in the middle. The two females around her closely beside her with happy expressions on their faces. Maxine's friends began chattering and glaring at one another to battle who will really be her number one friend.

Once the office door closes Caius then looks at the orc left. There was Sebastian. He had a smirk on his face when staring at Caius.

"So you guided them in? Huh..." Caius said with a darken expression, glaring at Sebastian with his golden eyes.

"Why not? It would be rude of me to let them wait for so long... Our mate needs her friends instead of staying home all day long. It's better talking with others than being inside a lonely office for the whole day"

Sebastian gave a light chuckle and came towards Caius. He sat down across from him at a minimum distance.

Even though he and Caius were Maxine's family and both mates to her. It didn't mean that he would get along with him well like brothers. Even when they bonded weeks ago on planning their new home he still felt envy. He knew that Maxine obviously loved and treated them dearly.

Back in the day when Maxine was all his. Sebastian thought that he would eventually get over his possessive and selfish tendencies once time passes. He believed that he needed time to calm down and acknowledge reality. Maxine was a female and that she needed more males sooner or later. It was absolute that she will have males other than him.

Time passed and he agreed upon the truth of his wife needing more males just for protection and nothing else.

Am I the favorite?

It was the question he once asked her just after she accepted Caius courtship. In the end he admits he was indeed selfish. But he didn't care or ever regret it. He will play dirty just to get his wife's attention over that leopard!

Sebastian smiled, laying back in the wooden chair with both his legs laid on top of Caius's desk.

" Don't place your dirty feet on my desk" Caius nagged.

Sebastian ignored his nagging wods. He stood up and waved Caius a goodbye before exchanging menacing glares at him out of fun.

Caius growled at him, all annoyed seeing his bright smile in the air. Caius knew that Sebastian was happy when his plans were a success, ruining Caius alone time with Maxine.

Sebastian confidently walks off with a smug expression on his face knowing he is victorious. He was happy to admit that he was petty and selfish. Who endearingly seeks for his loving wife's attention, that's what makes him feel confident. He found it exciting when competing against the leopard who were both peta(5) mark beastmen. He liked seeing Caius mad especially when successful ruining his time with their mate.

When he was about to walk out of the office. There he jumped a little spooked. That made his body flinch slightly backing away. It was a familiar wolf male.

Sebastian looked at Raymond who was stuck in a pink bubble that his wife might have casted. He saw Raymond tumble and fall down while maintaining balance inside the bubble. Raymond inside beggingly asked where Maxine went to him.

Raymond looked behind him, searching in the distance of the open office door. There Raymond saw nothing but lots of papers and books present. He silently whimpered until he heard a chuckle right under his ears. He turned and saw Sebastian with tears in his eyes trying to hold his laughter in but couldn't. Which ultimately made Raymond pissed.

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