Chapter 5

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The meeting room is apparently in a tower portion of the building nicknamed Avenger's Tower. So we all piled into a huge service elevator and walked out onto the roof. We all sort of stood there awkardly waiting for someone to say something. So I decided to start, good thing I am still wearing my fey tunic, I would hate to rip holes in my spare t-shirt.

I run towards the edge of the roof leap over the low railing. My wings pop out and I am soaring out over the empty field surrounding the building. I circle back overhead a couple of time enjoying the wind rushing around me. I land and fall forwards, luckily I manage to get my hands out in time to avoid face planting on the concrete.

"Most impressive young eaglet." Thor booms.

"You have actual wings, man, and I thought I was cool." Sam acknowledges shaking his head. Clint looks pleased, "I knew she was a good choice. And you thought she was boring, Stark."

He ruffles my hair in a fatherly sort of gesture, "What sort of wings are those?"

"They most closely resemble a Bald Eagle, except for the size. I have a wingspan of about ten feet."

"The physics of it are astounding, possible yes Sam proves that, but those wings are natural?" Dr. Banner inquires.

"Yeah, magical, but natural."

"Magic," he mutters, "magic. first Loki and Thor and now more magic."

"Magic and science are just different names for the same thing really," I answer, "So what now?"

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