"So, what now? I have passed by now right? I was kidnapped, I taught a lesson, solved the handcuff puzzle, and rejoined my cousins and sort of fought Bucky, though I don't think he was really trying. I passed right?" I ask bouncy with nervous energy.
"You passed." Nat says.
"Yippee!" I shout and hug her. She freezes but then kind of pats me on the back. I back off, "So what now?"
"You're a full member of the team. Or would be if you were eighteen." Steve says.
"How did you know? I told you all when I was drunk wasn't I? And about all the others too, I really shouldn't have, at least I didn't tell the class all that stuff. In all seriousness, I've been a partial team member for a while now, and I was seventeen then too." I bellyache.
"Sorry kiddo, eighteen is the age limit. You have to be a legal adult to join the military and this is more dangerous-"
"Dammit! I am eighteen according to most legal documents. SHIELD doesn't need to know my real identity. Ever hear of a secret identity, most superheros have one, in comic books and movies at least. I haven't been a child for a while."
"I understand." Nat says. "Unless you can find a legal loophole somewhere I'm still going to have to make you wait."
"Okay. How about this, you can join the military at seventeen with parental consent. So if I can get my parents' okay I can be an Avenger."
"Sounds legal."
"Awesome. I don't suppose you would know how to get in contact with either of them?"
"Well, I don't know what aliases they go by here. And they switch e-mails every six months and the only method of contact was when they would call me. Cause if I called in the middle of a mission I could compromise them. So now I have no way of contacting them." I frown, "Bucky is the closest adult relative I have, can he count?"
"Ask Banner, he's the legal expert."
"I will. So what now? Where are we going?"
"The first Avengers Tower. Stark is throwing a party." NAtasha answers.
"Yay." I say with as much apathy and dry somber negativity as I can muster, "Yippee. I just love parties. I suppose this is the kind with loud music and way too many people? Of course it is. And half of them will probably be drunk and annoying and, what is he celebrating anyhow?"
"The recent victory I think, it's Stark he doesn't really need an excuse to party."
"The entire team is going to be there. You are the last to finish testing. We didn't plan for you to lecture for so long."
"I impressed even myself."
Sure enough Stark's party is loud, crowded, and full of drunk or well on their way to being drunk adults all much older than myself, I clutch my can of soda-pop tightly as I try not to panic. I can't find the elves or my cousins in all the press but I do see Bucky and Steve conversing with a group of older gentleman. I force my way through the sea of people all with fancy drinks and fancy mini dresses or suits or, well, you get the picture I'm sure. Anyhow, Steve, Bucky, and the older men are in a quieter area, a sort of sectioned off pool table and a couple of couches.
I sit down on the couch next to my uncle and try to open the can of soda pop. The older gentleman all seem to be war vets from WW2, Vietnam, Korea; old timers like Steve and Bucky. Natasha made me get all gussied up so no bow right now. I'm wearing an old dress of Grandma's as that was all that was available that fit me. My quiver wouldn't really fit well with the full skirt so I'm limited to my gun. Which is in a holster of Grandmum's meant to be concealed in clothing of this era of fashion.
American Girl: An Avengers FanFiction
FanfictionArmy brat Beth Aquae was picked up by SHIELD after she returns from a two year disappearance with powers. Her family was told she received an internship at a prestigous engineering firm in Washington D.C., room and board included. Beth spends her t...