Chapter 33

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"I win, again." Peter announces as he beats everyone in texas hold 'em for the umpteenth time raking the pile of m&ms towards him. Stark and Thor are already out having devoured all of their  candy. After dinner we played poker and banagrams and a bunch of other games for about an hour while munching on candy, popcorn, and the endless cookies. Then it was time for the movie. Eliza, Peter and I all dive for the oversized recliner and wind up piled on top of one another. 

"Couch Potato!" Peter call out muffled. And so we all proceed to squirm and push and prod until ELiza has managed to push both Peter and I off the chair. 

"What was that about?" Stark looks at us quizzically.

"Well you see we all used to bicker over who got sit in Grandma's chair when she wasn't there and then someone, no one remembers who, this was many years ago, insulted the other two by calling them couch potatoes and then we pushed each other off until only one was left. And so that's how we settle who get's to sit somewhere if we all want to sit there and can't agree peacefully." Eliza explains.

Stark looks at Mom, "Really?"

"It's easier to let them settle it among themselves and once couch potato has been decided they never argue that I'm being unfair in who I allow to get the seat. Better to let them learn now." Mom shrugs. Peter and I take our places on one of the couches with Uncle Bucky.

"So what movie did you pick out Aunt Peggy?" Eliza asks.

"Ender's game, the Book Thief, and the Mazerunner. But due to the audience Ender's Game and the Book thief may be too stressful so Mazerunner it is."

"No arguements here. The guy who plays Newt is hot." Eliza says and then notices everyone staring at her. "What? He is."

"Oh-kaay." I roll my eyes at her. She counters by sticking her tongue out at me.


The Mazerunner was very good and as Eliza pointed out most of the actors were extremely good looking and fit their characters well. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Mom had to leave to return to headquarters but promised to come back as soon as she could and to send Dad  and Aunt Maria by when they were here.Hours later after everyone has gone to bed, I am awake as usual. So I decide to tip toe downstairs and watch the Book Thief and maybe Ender's Game because they are two of my favorite books. I'm fast forwarding throught the previews when Steve and Bucky show up. "You're welcome to stay and watch if you want but I have to warn you the story takes place in Nazi Germany, will you be able to handle that?"

He nods and then sits on the couch on the opposite end and then Bucky sits between us. (For those of you who don't know the Book Thief by Marcus Zusak is a story in Nazi Germany that shows people willing to risk everything to hide a Jew and kids who think Hitler youth is stupid and the power of words. I  highly recommend this book to everyone.) When the bombs fall on himmel street I start crying.  By the tie the credits roll I am halfway asleep. I turn off the movie ad I almost asleep when I hear Steve whisper quietly to Bucky,"I never knew."

"I didn't either. Not that I knew much for a long time."

And then I fal asleep, my head on my uncle's shoulder.

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