Prologue: The New Ranch-Hand On Walker Ranch

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Packing up everything you own and moving across the country to go work on a ranch sounds like something out of a movie... or a farming game. But that's my life now.

After high school, I threw myself head first into the real world, working and slowly climbing the corporate ladder at a company. Not even opening myself up to the possibility of making friends outside of work or even dating.

Over the years, my life started to feel empty and meaningless. I would spend hours just absentmindedly staring at my computer screen, the world around me drowning out and becoming static.

I got plenty of warnings from my boss about this but even though my job was on the line, I still couldn't find the motivation to work anymore. It was like any drive I had to succeed in my career had just evaporated.

My dad was becoming very worried about my behavior and spoke about it with an old friends from Austin, where he grew up. Bonham Walker owns a ranch that's been in his family for generations.

Dad would go on and on about working on that ranch over the summer. Growing up, we'd alway left the city over the summer and I would work on a ranch just like him. He said it's good to know these things and I did enjoy working with the animals and stuff.

Mr. Walker listened to Dad's worries and offered me a job to come work on the ranch. He thinks getting me out of the city and working hard on something that really matter might be just what I need.

I thought it over for a good while. Seeing how my mental health is in the trash, my boss is pissed at me, and my dad is worried, I'd figured it couldn't hurt. Not exactly making any progress myself, staring at a computer monitor.

So I quite my job and packed up all my things, heading down to Austin Texas, having absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into.

The day finally came where I found myself on Walker ranch, the place looking completely deserted. I couldn't shake this unexplained feeling of sorrow in the air as I approach the house.

I knock on the door and heard dogs barking inside at the sound of my arrival. Despite the dogs losing it at this stranger on their front porch, it took an unusual amount of time before the door finally opened.

A old man pull open the door, looking emotionally exhausted. "Yeah?" He asked, his voice sounding rough. "Uh... hi Mr. Walker. I'm (Name) (Last Name), you're friends with my dad and..." I start to explain and Bonham closed his eyes.

"Damnit. That's right." He mumbled, under his breath. "I'm sorry?" I muttered, suddenly feeling like I shouldn't be here. "Forgive me, I just forgot you were coming. I'm afraid a lot has happened over the past few days." Bonham said.

"Oh... should I come back another time?" I asked and Bonham waved his hand, vaguely. "No, it's fine. We could actually use the extra help, now more than ever." He said, pulling the door shut as he comes outside. "Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying."

I gave Bonham my car keys and he drove us behind the ranch, passing a house that looks like it could use a bit fixing up. Bonham stop my car in front of a tiny house that look like it's only suited for one person, maybe two at most.

"This is you. My cousin used to live in this house when he worked the ranch." Bonham said, getting out of the car and I followed. "You'll start first thing in the morning." Bonham said as we walk around my car and met up in front of the hood.

"Sound fair?" Bonham asked, handing me back my keys. "Yeah, that's fine." I replied. "I should also tell you what happened, while we were waiting for you to make your decision on coming down here. You see..." Bonham said, pausing to compose himself.

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