Let's Go, Let's Go

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While Cordell was hold up in his hotel room going over his notes on the Jackal, he got a phone call from (Name), informing him of Stella being endanger and pleading him to come home.

Cordell tells her he's gonna check the gazebo out by the lake where Stella has often hid at when she runs away. Even though his brain wants to stay focused on the Jackal, he puts that aside for the sake of his daughter.

Unfortunately someone was outside his room waiting for him...

Cordell is lying on his bed in casual clothing, the ceiling fan slowly spinning overhead with a soft whooshing sound as birds chirp outside. He sniffs as he wakes up gradually, staring up at the ceiling fan in confusion.

He furrow his brow and looks over at the clock on his nightstand, seeing it's almost 9 in morning. He groans softly as he grips the side of the bed to haul himself up to a sitting position, feeling as if he all the strength in his body was slowly being sucked out.

"Oh, come on. You can't be serious. That's not what happened." August said from the kitchen. Cordell groggily gets out of bed, stumbling out into the kitchen where August is putting some veggies in the blender. "Oh, get real. You're just making excuses because we destroyed you."

"Hey. Hey, bud. Um, you seen Stella? I-I feel like I'm supposed to be looking for her." Cordell asked his son. "Uh, I'm right here, Dad." Stella said, pulling her head out of the fridge to look at him

"And I am not making excuses. You and Gramps cheat all the time." She said to August as she closes the fridge and walks around the counter. "Oh, we do not. Listen, just because your teammate sucks at board games doesn't mean we're cheaters."

"Hey, do not drag Mom into this." Stella said, pointing at her brother and Cordell shots his daughter a bewilder look. "Mom? What about Mom?" He asked as August places the lid on the blender then turns it on, the loud noise startling Cordell.

In the real world, Cordell is tied to a chair as the Jackal is using a blender to mush up rotten fruit to feed to him. He turns off the blender and scoops a spoon full of the nasty sauce.

Grabbing Cordell's jaw, he forces the rotten sauce into his mouth and down his throat. Cordell chokes at the awful taste, his body trying to wake up but the digoxin in his system was rendering him powerless.

The Jackal then grabs a fist full of his hair, bending his head to the side as he injects him with another dose of digoxin, forcing him back into his hallucination.

In the dreamworld, Cordell winces and rubs his neck as August's voice sounded muffled to him. "Oh, I'll bring her in if I need to. Hey, Mom? Yeah, Stella's questioning the integrity of game night! Would you come downstairs and set her straight?"

Hearing footsteps approaching, Cordell looks up at the stairs, his jaw going slack as he stares at deceased wife. "Emily?" He muttered in shock, his mind suddenly whirling with a million different thoughts and questions.

"Emily." He murmured again, afraid that if he blinks she'll be gone again. "Are you okay, babe?" Emily asked him. "He's okay, Mom. That's just his face." Stella said.

"Just a gorgeous face." Emily teases as she descend the rest of the steps. "It's a big day today. Are we good to go?" She asked. "U-Uh, absolutely." Cordell muttered in confusion.

"I was expecting more fanfare." Emily said, placing an envelope on the counter as she walks pass Cordell, who turns to watch her, his eyes completely trained on her. "Oh, that's-that's just his voice." August joked, making his sister laugh.

"Right. Anyways, okay. Let's go. Come on." Emily said, ushering the kids out of the kitchen as Cordell picks up the envelope she set down. "Okay, okay, okay, uh, right, um... It's a big day. Augie's graduation. Uh... Yeah, let's-let's-let's not be late." He stammered.

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