Fine Is A Four Letter Word

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Cordell was walking towards the farmhouse, having just picked some wild flowers from the field. "No dandelions." A familiar voice said, causing him to come to a halt. He turns around to see his late wife, Emily standing a few feet away, wearing a white dress. "Those are weeds, babe."

Cordell looks down at the flowers and pick out the dandelions, tossing them away. Emily smiles and the door to the farmhouse opens as Stella comes out, wearing a red dress. "Go give 'em to her. I mean..." Emily said and chuckles. "...I hate to see you go..."

"But you love to watch me walk away." Cordell concluded, smirking and chuckles. He turns away and Emily is gone as he walks over to their daughter. "And no dandelions, because those are weeds." He said to Stella as he held up the flowers.

"It's great, Dad." Stella said, smiling. "And, um, I think your mom..." Cordell said and exhales as he takes out a ring that's attached to a chain. "...would like this for you."

Stella accepts the necklace and unhooks the chain to put it on as Trevor drives up and parks his car. Cordell smiles at his daughter as he handed her the flowers he picked. "So, can we take the Mustang?" She asked and Cordell chuckles. "Nope."

"Can't blame you for trying." Bonham said and Stella chuckles as she goes over to greet Trevor. "Hi." She said to him. "Wow." Trevor said, admiring her dress. "WAIT!" Abby exclaimed, running out of the house. "I need pictures!" She said, holding up her phone and Cordell and Stella chuckle.

"Where's August?" Trevor asked as he ties a wrist corsages he brought onto Stella's wrist. "Oh, uh, he went to school to set up for AV Club. Bel's getting there early, so I figured we should, too." Stella explains. "Oh, nice." Trevor replied.

"Your turn." Stella said, holding up the flowers Cordell gave her. "Should I trust you around sharp things?" Trevor asked and Stella chuckles as Abby takes multiple pictures of them. "Probably not." Stella said and pins the flowers to his shirt.

"Beautiful." Trevor whispered and Stella smiles, glowing. The young teens then turns to face Abby to pose for her camera. "So sweet." Abby whispered, taking a couple more pictures. "Okay. Bye!" Stella said, walking around the car.

"Bye, you guys." Trevor said, following her. "Y'all have fun. Be safe." Bonham told him. "Yes, sir." Trevor said as he opens the passenger door for Stella, so she can get in.

"When are we going dancing?" Abby asked her husband, who sighs. "You know I don't dance. Old dog and all that. Besides, I have to go to the feed store, get some supplies. You want to join?" He asked. "You sure know how to plan a date night." Abby said as they leave.

Cordell leans against a support beam for the porch, watching Trevor back his car up out of the driveway and drive off with his daughter, taking her to her first dance. "I wish you could've been here for this." He whispered, his eyes becoming watery.

He goes inside and exhales, hearing nothing but birds chirping outside. He goes over to the TV and turns it on, right as his phone starts ringing. "With mixed reception from border town residents the temporary shelters may never be installed. The Lucifer hummingbird has been spotted in..." A Newman said on the TV.

Cordell took out his phone and sees Liam is calling. "Hey, stinker." He greeted when he pressed answer and held the phone up to his ear. "Hi. Are you okay?" Liam asked. "Uh, yeah. I just sent Stella off to her first big dance." Cordell said, taking a seat in the armchair next to the TV.

"Yeah. Um... You want to grab a beer tomorrow?" Liam asked. "Tomorrow? Both of my kids are at a high school dance for the first time in my life. Let's go tonight." Cordell said, smiling, eager to find something to distract him.

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