Cry Uncle

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Abby laid still on the grass after suffering a stroke, the snow gently falling around her. Cordell and August are walking up the path to the door when August notices her out of the corner of his eye and stops dead cold in his tracks. "Dad."

Cordell stops as well and turns his head to look, immediately the color drains from his face when he sees his mother laying on the ground. "Go. Go get your grandfather." Cordell said shakily as he place a hand on his son, his eyes still glue on his mother.

"Okay." August stammered, but he stayed frozen where he stood in shock. "Get your grandfather right now! Get Gramps!" Cordell shouted, snapping August back to reality and he races off inside the house while Cordell rushes to his mother's side. "Gramps! Grampa! Grampa!"

Cordell fell to his knees when he reached Abby and checks her pulse. "It's Mawline, I don't know, I don't know... but she's..." August said as he leads Bonham and (Name) outside. "What happened?" Bonham asked, until they get outside and he sees his wife laying there on the front lawn.

"Abby! Abby!" Bonham exclaimed, running as fast as his old legs can carry him, (Name) and August not far behind. "Cordell, what happened?" Bonham asked as Cordell stumbles to his feet. "I don't know, Daddy, she was just there..." Cordell stammered.

"What happened?!" Bonham asked again in a panic as he kneel down beside Abby. "Darlin'? Oh, my God." Bonham murmurs, gently running his fingers tips over Abby's jawline, feeling how icy cold her skin felt. "Sweetheart? Look at me, look at me. Can you open your eyes?"

"I'm calling 911!" (Name) said, fumbling to get her phone out of her pocket. "No, no, no! We're too far from the city, it'll take too long for them to get here and back." Cordell said, shaking his head and pulls out his keys.

"Go, go! Start the trunk!" He instructed, pushing his keys into (Name's) hands and she runs off without another word. Cordell kneels down on the other side of Abby and gently lifts her up with the help of his father.

Cordell carries Abby to his truck and gently place her in the backseat as Bonham gets in on the other side and helps pull her in. Once they were situated inside, Cordell hurries around the truck to get in the passenger seat while August jumps in the back with his grandparents. "Go! Go!" Cordell exclaimed and (Name) stomps on the gas, driving them to the hospital.

"What happened?" A doctor asked as Abby is being rushed through the hospital on a gurney. "Uh, we just found her outside. She was on the ground, unresponsive." Cordell explains. "All right, was anyone with her when it happened?" The doctor asked.

"No, we just found her there. She was laying there." Cordell replied. "Coming through!" A nurse exclaimed and they push the gurney into a room. "I need an IV, I need oxygen, I need vitals, I'm gonna start a neuro check." The doctor said as they begin to get to work.

Bonham follows them into the room while Cordell, August, and (Name) hang back in the hallway. "All right, she's gonna be all right. All right, let's go wait. Let's go wait, okay?" Cordell said, giving August and (Name) a reassuring pat on the chest or back, leading them to the waiting room.

"Okay, ma'am? Ma'am? Can you do me a favor and try to lift your arms for me?" The doctor asked Abby and she lifts her left slightly. "Let's see, okay. Right arm is unresponsive." Doctor said, taking out a flashlight and shines the light into Abby's eyes as a nurse sets up the heart monitor.

"Uh, can you finish?" The doctor said to another nurse as she puts her flashlight away. "Copy that." The nurse said and the doctor walks around the gurney to reach Bonham, who was standing in front of the door.

"I'm sorry, sir, you can't be in this room right now." The doctor said. "No, I'm fine, I'm fine." Bonham said, his eyes focused on Abby. "No, we need some space." The doctor said, placing her hands on his arm to get him to look at her.

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