Maybe It's Maybelline

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"All I'm saying is why don't we have windbreakers?" Cassie asked, climbing out of Cordell's truck at Ranger HQ. "The Ranger uniform is a time-honored tradition. You can't just change it." Cordell said as they walk towards the entrance.

"Okay. Fine. I'll settle for driving from now on." Cassie said. "Wha-what? How does that even make sense?" Cordell asked, stopping to face her. "Wha... See, exhibit A." Cassie said, gesturing to his crooked truck, that's taking up some of the park space to the left.

"You're, like, all over the line, bro." Cassie said. "Those lines are, uh... suggestions." Cordell retorted. "You do know I drove a BearCat when I was working with the FBI, right? All I'm saying is when we actually need to get somewhere, I'll..."

A bunch of rangers then came bursting out of the door, racing across the parking lot. Cordell and Cassie, confused by what's going on, spring into action. One of the squad cars' hood is open and as Cordell and Cassie approach the vehicle, they hear a gruff voice speak. "Damn it. Made in America, my ass."

Cordell quickly takes out his pistol and holds it up as he gets close to the car. "Texas Rangers. Come on out." He instructed. "This is the Texas Rangers!" Cassie said, loudly when no one emerges.

"All right, all right. You guys need to relax." The gruff voice said, two hands appearing on the top of the hood and pushing it down, revealing an old woman with a wrench. Cordell lowers his gun for a moment, taken aback by the fact a 77 year old woman is causing such a commotion.

"Drop the wrench." Cordell instructed and the woman drops the wrench on the hood. "Ma'am, who are you and what are you doing?" Cordell asked. "Who's asking?" The woman asked. "Walker, Texas Ranger."

"As you've mentioned three times now. Congratulations, son. You are employed. I'll alert the governor." The woman said as Trey came running out of HQ. "I like her." Cassie remarked with a smirk.

"Ma'am, you said you were getting a soda." Trey said to the woman. "And I was. Down the road, at Dandy's Liquor." The woman replied. "H-Hold on a sec, everybody. Trey, who is she?" Cordell asked.

"I don't know. I don't know. Austin PD dropped her off and Cap said for you to call him as soon as you got in." Trey explained. "Excuse me, young man. She can answer for herself." The woman said, pointing to herself.

"I'm Maybelline Pratt." She said, picking up the wrench and walking around the squad car. "And unfortunately, looks like, for the time being, I am stuck with you." She said, slapping the wrench onto Cordell's chest for him to take.

Returning inside HQ, Cordell is on the phone with James as he walks into the conference room where Cassie and Trey are seated. "No, I-I hear you loud and clear. Uh, understood, Captain. Yeah. You got it. Okay. Out."

Cordell hangs up, seeing Maybelline is talking to the other rangers in the office area, making everyone irrupt into laughter. "Anyways, is Cap good?" Trey asked as Cordell joins them at the table with a case file.

"Yeah. He'll be back after his conference." Cordell replied. "And, uh, what about Ms. Congeniality over there?" Cassie asked, pointing to Maybelline. "Yeah, that is Ms. Maybelline Pratt. State's key witness in the Brandt Jeric case." Cordell said, handing her the file.

"Brandt Jeric's a money launderer for every Tom, dick and Harry north of the border." Cassie said, opening the file to look through it. "Yeah, south, too, lots of payments to Caracas." Trey said.

"Yeah, Jeric's an international bean counter. Uh, Texas wants their shot, then the feds will get 'em. Ms. Maybelline out here used to work at one of the diners he used to wash his money. Opened a drawer she shouldn't have, saw his client list firsthand." Cordell explained.

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