It's A Nice Day For A Ranger Wedding

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Cordell, Liam, Trey, and I were racing just like we did a year ago when Cordell got snatched by Grey Flag. Cordell was way ahead of all of us until he suddenly stop in the middle of the dirt path that leads up to the house, looking around.

Until Cassie came out of nowhere from the right, slamming into Cordell and nearly knocking him to the ground. "Hey! You can't do that." Cordell shouted, stumbling back to his feet.

"You want some cheese with that wine?" Cassie taunted, taking the lead. Trey laughs as he bumps Cordell as we pass him. "Guys! Come on! No. Hold up. That's not fair!" Cordell shouted, now bringing up the rear.

We arrive back at the house where Cassie snatches the hat off the hitching bar. "Whoo! Ha, too slow, suckers. The Stetson is mine." Cassie boasted and triumphantly puts the hat on her head.

"Okay, what's going on here? Did you run track in high school or something?" Cordell asked, panting. "Are you accusing me of being some sort of ringer, Walker?" Cassie asked with a sly smirk.

"I'm accusing you of being fast." Cordell replied, placing his hands on her knees as he hutches over. "'Cause I was on Mathletes." She proclaimed. "Of course you were." I chuckled.

"Dad, you should really start focusing more on cardio." Stella said, coming down from the house and tossing a bottle of water to her father.  "Or you could just cut out the junk food." I teased, patting his stomach.

"All right, thanks." Cordell said, lightly hitting me with his water bottle. I laugh, flinching away slightly then took the water bottle from him to screw off the cap and take a sip.

"Oh, so this is what we get for finally inviting you, huh?" Trey said to Cassie, giving her a fist bump as I gave Cordell back his water bottle to take a drink himself.

"Hey, Dad, Captain James is inside, says there's, like, a seating chart emergency, so..." August announces, coming out the house and Cordell nodded, swallowing his water to speak. "All right, I'm on it. Uh... I got to shower." He panted. "Yes, you do." I giggled.

"Ranger Barnett, a word." Abby called out to Trey, holding a basket of flowers. "Mrs. Walker, those for me?" Trey asked, jokingly while the rest of us continued on towards the house.

3rd Person P.O.V
Inside the Walker kitchen, Cordell and James are discussing the seating arrangement with a written up diagram. "That finishes off six." Cordell said, pointing to one of the drawn tables.

"Yeah, I know, I'm fine with table six. I'm talking about seven. You put my cousin Janet at the same table as my Aunt Lisi. There will be blood." James warned him. "Okay. Not a problem." Cordell said, making some adjustments as Cassie jogs into the room.

"Boys. Sorry to interrupt this musical chairs, but work stuff." Cassie said, clapping her free hand over her phone. "Hey, hey, hey." James said, exasperated. "Hey, we all agreed no work stuff until after the wedding." Cordell reminded her.

"I know, I know, but I just got a call from the FBI. Tessa Graves." Cassie announces, worrying them. "Don't tell me the case against Grey Flag is falling apart." James said.

"Their case is in great shape, actually. And Tessa said that us taking down Kevin had a lot to do with that. Anyway, she's putting together a Joint Task Force to go after a fentanyl ring back east, and they need folks with experience working big, complicated cases, like us." Cassie explains.

"Hold up, you're telling me the FBI is trying to poach my two best Rangers without even calling me first? That's what you're telling me?" James asked. "Relax, Cap. It's not poaching. It's an eight-week operation. July and August. So, if we did it, we'd be back by September." Cassie clarified.

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