Barn Burner

386 23 4

3rd Person P.O.V
Instead of sleeping in his own bed in the farmhouse, Cordell was asleep on the couch in his parents house. However he was being tormented by a nightmare of that fateful night the Davidson's barn burnt down.

He tosses and turns, grunting in his sleep like he was in pain. Until he woke up, looking around distraught and throws his pillow to the floor. All while he was unknowingly being watched by someone.

Another screen was set up in the farmhouse, recording Stella and August, who were sitting on the couch. August is using his laptop and listening to music with his headphones while Stella is listening to a voicemail Trevor left for her with her earbuds. August held out his hand and Stella gives him her phone, so he can delete the message for her.

Another screen shows (Name) sitting on the couch in the guesthouse. She was knitting what appears to be a red scarf while watching TV. She pauses what she's doing to watch the screen then becomes angry by what's happening in her show. "Just tell him already!" She yelled at the TV and shook her head at a character's unwillingness to say how they feel to another person.

On other screen, Bonham and Abby are sitting in the dining room, working on a puzzle together. "And... and I think that I should have pieces for it. They're just not there." Bonham grumbled and Abby burst out laughing. "I don't want that one." Bonham said, laughing too and tossing a piece away.

Another screen is set up in Stella's room. She comes in, wearing a bathroom robe and a towel on her head. She walks over to the closet where the camera is set up, grabs the outfit she wants and removes the towel from her head to let her damp hair down so she can blow dry it.

Later the camera that's set up in Walker's living room, now shows (Name) asleep on the couch and snuggling a pillow, looking completely worn out from a long day of work.

Cordell walks into the room and notices her. He smiles gently and walks over to cover her up with a blanket. (Name) stirs in her sleep and opens her eyes as Cordell turns to leave. "Night, cowboy." She mutters, closing her eyes again. "Night, (Name)." Cordell said, softly and turns off the light for her.

A different screen shows Dan Miller lurking outside Walker ranch, going up to the gate and even as far as the front door, looking around as if checking to see if anyone's home.

The man watching the screen, flipping through his notepad and begins writing down everything of interest.

Another screen shows Stella and Colton bandaging a injured horse they came across after serving their time in detention and putting their not so great first meeting behind them.

Another screen shows the Walker's kitchen where Liam is talking to someone on the phone. "All right, back to Serano. Convoy's en route to Austin now. So we should be able to question him tomorrow. Talk soon. Bye." He said and hangs up his phone. "Done? Good. Let's get to it." Abby said, entering the kitchen.

"Hey, hey, hey, Earl. Check this out." A young man said, taking off his headphones. The man that was jotting down some notes looks over his shoulder at him.

Earl sets his pen down and rolls his chair over to the other desk, where his partner plays what he just heard. "All right, back to Serano. Convoy's en route to Austin now. So we should be able to question him tomorrow."

"Am I hearing what I think I'm hearing?" Earl asked. "The boss is toast." His partner replied and Earl jumps out of his chair, grabbing a duffel bag and tossing it to him. "We need to get out of here, Horace."

"We don't know if we've been burned. And the NSA wouldn't even be able to find the cameras. This op has been perfect." Horace said, dropping the bag to the floor. "A guy like Serano goes down, someone's always waiting to take over. Starting with tying off any loose ends." Earl said, walking back over to him, picking up the bag and shoving it into his arms. "Let's go."

Walker (Cordell Walker x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now