Something's Missing

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"Oh, Mama, that smells good!" Cordell praised as he walks into the kitchen. "Thank you." Abby said, placing the last pancake on the pile for (Name) to take to the table. As Cordell got himself some coffee, he smiles at his graduating little girl and winks at her.

"Oh, man. I never knew how attached I was to our own damn chickens." Bonham remarked as he looks at the egg carton. "Okay, these are fine." Abby said, taking the eggs away from him.

"Can I get some bacon?" August asked, reaching across Abby to steal some beacon. "Okay, all right. You know what, everyone?! Just, um, uh, stop hovering and sit and eat." Abby barked, going full mama bear.

"Yes, okay. Mama's spoken." Cordell said, leaning back and earning a heated look from his mother. "Yeah." He mutters, holding up his hand in surrender and finishes up making his coffee.

Everyone sat down at the table to eat, Stella, August, and Abby on the left side of the table and Bonham sitting at the head like always while (Name) sat across from Stella on the right side of the table. "Daddy, here you go." Cordell said, setting down a cup of coffee for him before making his way to his seat. "Thank you, son."

Stella glances up from her breakfast, to see everyone is smiling at her. "Okay, can we please all stop staring? Just because I'm graduating does not mean that I'm... I don't know, that I'm somebody else." She said. "You are, though." Abby told her.

"It's true, it's just... It's hard to believe." Cordell said, taking seat next to (Name) and across from August. "Here comes a seems like yesterday." August said and the exact same time, Cordell says... "Seems like yesterday."

August laughs as Cordell gives him a reproachful look. "Hey, right on cue." August said, grinning. "Well, it does seem like yesterday, Auggie." Cordell said, balling up his napkin and throwing it across the table at August, hitting him in the face with it and making the kids and (Name) laugh.

"It's true. It seems like yesterday that your mama told me she was pregnant with you, and seems like yesterday we brought you home to the ranch. Uh, and then, we were chasing fireflies around the yard." Cordell said to Stella with a reminiscent smile.

"So... Where are we gonna have your last bash as a high schooler?" Liam asked, joining them and Cordell pulls out his chair for him to sit down on the other side of him. "You don't think we can sneak on to the ranch and do what we always planned?" Stella asked.

"I mean, we could just go to Stan's house. Right?" August said, letting out a nervous chuckle as the table fell silent. "Too soon?" He asked, quietly. "Not funny." Abby replied and August takes a bite of his pancake to avoid the awkward conversation he created.

"There's always the Side Step." (Name) suggested, trying to break the ice and Cordell nods, pointing to her. "Yeah, see?" He said and gives her an appreciated smile. "It doesn't matter to me as long as we're all together." Stella said, bringing the mood back up.

"Hey, juice?" Abby asked. "Ah, yeah! On it." Cordell said, jumping out of his seat. "Oh, yeah." Liam said, getting up as well. "I'm with you." Cordell said and they head for the kitchen.

"So, um..." Liam muttered, glancing back at the table to make sure the others won't overhear him as Cordell opens the fridge. "Any idea who made the safe house a little less safe the other night?"

"No. Uh, not yet. Um... But Miles and his family are safe and secure. Uh, Cassie and James are on it. We did identify the bodies left behind. Long rap sheets, just guns for hire." Cordell said, pouring orange juice into the pitcher. "You think it was Serano's people that were out for revenge?" Liam asked.

"Eh, I don't know. I don't see how that would tie to Miles. Feels like it's a new crew." Cordell replied, putting the orange juice back in the fridge. "One thing's for sure, we know who cheated us out of our ranch." Liam reminded him.

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