Mum's The Word

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(Name's) P.O.V
So Trey has is officially going to become a Ranger after successfully cracking a case on a group of people that stole horses and released them into the wild to avoid be slaughtered by their owners. The same horses that Cordell had brought back to the ranch were the last batch of horses the group had stolen.

I can't exactly see how the group were the bad guys here but the point is they were stop, the horses went somewhere better, and Trey is gonna be a ranger now.

Liam and I won't be able to attend the ceremony, so as compromise both of us and his boyfriend Ben brought over some food to celebrate at his apartment. And Cassie smell the food from her apartment that's across the hall from Trey, so she invited herself in to join us.

"Look, I'm gonna try my best to make it tomorrow, but I'm just not sure what the gig's gonna shake out to be." Cassie said to her brother, who gives her a look. "It'll break her heart."

"Whose heart are we breaking?" I asked, picking up my water bottle. "Mm, our grandma." Cassie replied. "Ah." I said and took a sip of my water. "It's the centennial of our family's restaurant up in Waco. It kinda became a thing. She had her own show. She's like our personal Julia Child." Cassie explains.

"Wait, wait. This feels huge." Liam said. "Which is exactly why Cassie needs to be there." Ben said to his boyfriend, then looks over at his sister. "You don't want to get the whole, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed speech."

"Oh, definitely not." Cassie groans, then looks at Liam. "Why don't you bring Liam? Just in case I can't make it." She suggested and the color drains from Ben's face as if he's seen a ghost.

"I mean, yeah, I'd love to meet your family." Liam said, happy to meet everyone while Ben shoots his sister an angry look. Oh no... that doesn't look good.

"Yeah, although it is kind of early. Lucas didn't meet her for like a year." Cassie said and Ben rolls his eyes up towards the ceiling. "But that was fine." She said, nonchalantly.

"Was it... was it bad or...?" Liam asked, worriedly. "Is she..." I muttered, not wanting to assume that she'd be against Ben liking men but then again this is Texas. It's not exactly the most welcoming state.

"No, it was great, but it was the first boyfriend he brought home..." Cassie begins to explain but Ben quickly stops her. "Why are you here again?" He asked, changing the subject. "Yes, why are all of you here?" Trey's mother asked, entering the room.

"Hey, Keesha." Cassie said, laughing. "Good morning." The boys and I greeted Keesha, who I must say is a total knock out. I see where Trey gets his good looks from.

"I thought you lived down the hall." Keesha said to Cassie. "Across the hall, actually." She replied. "We brought food because we can't be at the actual ceremony." I said to Keesha, gesturing to the pastries on the coffee table that we brought. "I see."

Trey then slides in from his bedroom in black socks, his ranger shirt completely unbutton and his tie draped over his neck, with sunglasses and his ranger hat on his head. "Y'all ready for the Trey Barnett show?" He asked, smirking and completely unaware his mother is standing right next to him.

"Look who it is." Cassie said, grinning. "Whoo!" Ben cheer as Liam and I laugh, though admittedly seeing Trey's muscles were making me blush a little bit. "I don't know if Mama's ready." Cassie said, allowing Trey to finally notice his mother.

We all laugh as Trey awkwardly closes his shirt. "Sorry, Mama." He muttered, making us laugh harder and he tips his hat at us. "Come here." Keesha said, turning her son to face her as she begins buttoning up his and tying his tie for him. "You're a Ranger now... you can at least act like it." She said, not seeming all that thrilled about Trey becoming a Texas Ranger.

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