False Flag Part 2

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A crowd of News reporters and journalists are gather in front of Ranger HQ for Captain James to address the tragedy of yesterday. As James steps up to the podium that was set up outside, rapid-fire questions were shot his way.

"How many are among the dead?"

"How long has this group operated?"

"Is the mayor among the deceased?"

"What else do you know about this group?"

"Who was the target of the attack?"

"Is there a suspect in custody?"

"Listen, listen, I can answer your questions or y'all can keep shouting at me, but we can't do both." James said calmly, getting the crowd to quiet down. "Thank you. Uh... good morning." He said, taking out some notecards.

"At approximately 3:45 P.M. yesterday, a detonated explosive took the lives of six FBI agents and civilian reporter Julia Johnson. Mayor Newburg was also present. He remains in critical condition. We can confirm that the mayor was the intended target of the attack, and that the bombing was committed by an organization called Grey Flag. While the motive of yesterday's events is unclear, we've identified the perpetrator as Kevin Golden, Mayor Newburg's chief of staff. His whereabouts are unknown."

Yesterday last night at Walker ranch, (Name) and the family were anxiously waiting for Cordell to return when they heard a knock at the door. "Dad?" Stella said hopeful, about to approach the door but is stopped by (Name).

"Hang on, let me-let me get it." Liam said, walking towards the door as everyone held their breath in trepidation. The knock kept knocking until Liam finally reaches the door and pull it open to see the FBI are here, led by a woman who once suspected Cordell of betraying the Rangers and siding with the Rodeo Kings.

"Cordi... is he, uh... Where is he?" Abby asked anxiously as Liam lets them in the house. "I'm sorry to see you all again like this." The woman, Tessa Graves said. "Agent Graves, what is this all this, um...?" Liam asked her.

"We're going to try to get through this as smoothly as possible. Just understand we have jobs to do here." Tessa said, handing Liam a warrant to search the ranch.

"Start with the ranch house, move to the farmhouse and the guesthouse. Sweep for firearms." Tessa orders her men and they swiftly begin their search. "Aw, this is bull!" Bonham exclaimed.

"Now, this isn't exactly Rodeo Kings, okay?" Liam spoke up. "He's right! Cordell was captured and tortured. I was tortured." (Name) said angrily.

"Yes, I know. You were right there right alongside Ranger Walker. Which means I have questions for you too, (Last Name)." Tessa stated, signaling for one of agents to come over to collect her.

(Name) is brooding as the man pulls her away from the family to slap handcuffs on her and pat her down for any weapons.

"The FBI has reason to believe that Mr. Golden's accomplice in yesterday's attack was Texas Ranger Cordell Walker. Deputies responded to the report of a man matching the description of Mr. Walker fleeing the scene of the bombing. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of both Ranger Walker and Mr. Golden. Both should be considered armed, dangerous and fugitives at large. No further questions."

James turns away from the podium, heading back inside the station as the reporters begin clamoring over each other, trying to ask their questions regardless.

"How did Golden infiltrate the mayor's office?"

"Captain, do you have any idea of the whereabouts of Ranger Walker?"

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