One Good Thing

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(Name's) P.O.V
I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, unable to get that image out of my head of Cordell being so close to winning that race... only to lose because his saddle broke. The saddle that I secured.

Could I really have been so distracted by Cordell and Geri's relationship that I neglected to secured the saddle properly? If so that means I cause the Walkers to lose the home and land they've lived on for generations, all because of my stupid feelings!

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my alarm going off on my phone. I groan as I reach over to turn it off and saw it was already seven in the morning. I sigh heavily and drop my head back down onto my pillow.

No sleep at all and I still have to pack up all my stuff as well as help the Walkers with the move.... today sucks ass already.

I stood among the other workers as Cordell delivers a speech in his father's place. "How do you end an era almost 150 years in the making? I don't know the answer to that, and the man who would have the answer to that can't be here. Families were born here. Friendships cemented. Boy, we had some good times, too. Christmas parties. Barbecues. Uh, Fourth of July fireworks, right over there. Y'all remember. But there were some hiccups. You know, we had some failed businesses. I mean, who... who really ever needed Walker Hooch? I've known some of you for, uh, longer than I can remember. Others, not quite as long. But I want to tell you this: if you ever did one honest day's work at Walker Ranch, then you are family. My daddy always says, uh... family shoot you straight. Tells you how it is. So, that's why I wanted everyone together here today, one last time, uh, for, uh..."

Cordell trails off, very clearly not wanting to say it. He looks along the line of ranch-hands until our eyes locked and I gave him an encouraging soft smile. The corner of Cordell's lips twitches upward for a brief, subtle smile as he visibly looks more relax now.

"...for the last day of operations at Walker Ranch. I wanted to thank you for all the blood and sweat you've poured into this place. I also wanted to be here to answer any questions, uh, you might have." Cordell concluded.

"So, what, 25 years and all we get is, I'm sorry, grab a handful of peppers out of the patch on your way out?" Derek asked, deeply angry about the whole thing. "I don't know what the Davidsons' intentions are. My... my hope is..." Cordell tried to say but Derek talked over him. "Maybe you should have asked before you raced."

"Trust me, you, uh, you don't want me asking the Davidsons for anything on your behalf." Cordell said, letting out a weak chuckle. "He just had to turn around." Leon said, angrily. "Sorry? I-I didn't... I didn't catch that, Leon." Cordell muttered.

"Dan Miller. We're all in this mess because you just had to turn around and be the bigger man. Do you feel like the bigger man now, Cordell?" Leon asked, bitterly and Cordell pauses, looking around at the anger and anxious ranch-hands that are now losing their livelihood because of this race.

"My family will not rest until y'all are all squared away somewhere. Okay? That's a promise. I'll just... I don't know where yet." Cordell said. "Well, by all means... take your time." Leon spat.

"If you ask me, we're really losing our jobs because the saddle broke. And who was the one that set it up?" Derek asked, looking around at the other ranch-hands until he turns his attention directly to me.

I swallowed hard, feeling my guts turn into knots as all the ranch-hands turn their anger eyes onto me. "This isn't (Name's) fault, Derek." Cordell said, holding his hand out like he was trying to wave the attention off of me and back onto him.

"No, he's right. You were about to win but then the saddle broke. I've seen (Name) put saddles on the horses dozens of times. She would've caught it right away if it was damage. So why didn't she this time when our livelihood was on the line?" Nick asked suspiciously.

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