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(Fun fact for this chapter's image. Originally Cassie was in the image but Wattpad deemed it unsafe because she had Cordell at gunpoint, even though it's a taser. So I had to crop her out and focus on something else.😜)

(Name's) P.O.V
I step out of the guesthouse, pulling the door shut behind me. "(Name), hey!" Cordell greeted, already walking over as I came outside. "Howdy partner." I greeted back and Cordell chuckles.

"You uh... you got any plans for today?" He asked and I suddenly felt a jolt of excitement. Was he asking me out? Is this a date kind of question or just a friendly kind of question?

More than anything I wanted to say no but... unfortunately I already agree to join Abby to the farmers' market. Can't just up and ditch her for her son, now can I?

"Sorry, I do actually. I'm going to the farmers market with your mom." I said and Cordell looks slightly disappointed but overall okay with my rejection. "Ah, alright. I was just wondering if you wanted to join me, Liam, and Trey for lunch."

Damn, it was just a friendly kind of thing. Though I've never been invited to hang out with a group of guys before. Does this mean Cordell sees me as one of the guys or am I just overthinking this?

"Sorry, maybe next time." I said, giving him an apologetic smile. "Yeah, next time." Cordell said, nodding and gave me a warm smile before he turns away to leave.

Do not look at his butt. Do not look at his butt. Do not look at his butt. Do not look at his butt.

I then proceeded to look downward, my gaze lingering on the sight of that tight perky thing moving so hypnotically. God, that man's got one nice ass.

When he got too far away, I finally found the willpower to snap my eyes back upwards, clearing my throat and shifting in place a little.

Don't look again.

3rd Person P.O.V
At the Side Step, Cordell, Liam, and Trey were finishing up their lunch. "That hit the spot. Oh, my God." Cordell said, getting up from their table to throw his trash away.

"Listen, we're definitely gonna need to start our ranch boot camp back up. ASAP." Trey said, pointing to his now empty basket. "Agreed. That was... that was dense." Liam said and picks up his drink to take a sip.

"Oh, come on, Green Juice. Calm down. You have all day to work that off now that you're unemployed." Cordell said, returning to his seat across from Liam and Trey. "Oh, yeah. When are we gonna start seeing the billboards for Liam Walker, Esquire?" Trey asked.

"Yeah." Cordell said. "If I do private practice, I'm gonna need a new clientele." Liam replied then turns to Trey. "Hey, are you gonna get that new place now that your lease is up?"

"Yes. A lot of memories tied to that one, so..." Trey said, frowning slightly as he thinks about Micki. "Hey, why don't you two move in together?" Cordell suggested and the boys look amused at this.

"Seriously. Think about it. You know, a change of scenery, do you both good. You split the rent. Then you guys wouldn't have to be so alone." Cordell explains. "Well, I think that we are comfortable in our alone-ness." Liam replied.

"What about you, Cordell? A... are you comfortable?" Trey asked him. "Oh, I'm not alone. I-I live in a crowded house with teenagers. I'm never alone." Cordell said, finding the question ridiculous.

"Alone is different than being lonely, Cordi. I'm just saying, we're not the ones texting every second of our downtime." Liam said and Cordell rolls his eyes. "Right. Or driving across town just 'cause you don't like eating by yourself." Trey added.

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