False Flag Part 1

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"Cordi. Cordi, wake up."

Cordell is startle awake by a familiar voice and sits up, his hand trembling as he points his gun at the empty doorway. He looks to the right of him and sees Emily sitting in a chair across the room.

"Hi." She greeted with a loving smile as Cordell slowly lowers the gun, fixated on his deceased wife. "Were you gonna sleep all day or do you want to find a way out of here?"

Cordell chuckles softly, glancing down at the cuff on his wrist. "Honestly, uh... cuffed to an old sink in the middle of nowhere is about how I'm feeling right now, emotionally. Last night I learned that... Clay Cooper, uh... the guy I modeled my whole life after, was a myth. The real Coop was a deserter and a coward."

"Cordi..." Emily said, gently. "If I'd known what example I was following, maybe I'd have done things differently. I-I mean... (Name) wouldn't have been tortured if I hadn't pushed so hard on Grey Flag. Hoyt wouldn't... be gone if I didn't take the Rodeo Kings case. Would I be a Ranger at all? Where does that even leave me?"

"Cuffed to an old sink in the middle of nowhere." Emily replied and Cordell drops his head, looking at the cuff again. "Look." She said but he doesn't raise his head. "Look." She said more sternly and Cordell meets her gaze once more. "You are not a deserter. You are not a coward."

"Yeah, well... maybe I'm not the man you thought you knew. I don't know, maybe I never was." Cordell said, quietly, his self-doubt winning. "Well, you're gonna have to get out of here if you want to find out."

Cordell looks down at his gun and picks it up, placing the tip against the cuff, about to shoot his way out of them. He groans, not wanting to risk losing his hand and places the tip against the other cuff that's attached to the sink leg.

"Do you remember the time that Augie emptied his shot rings out of his cap gun?" Emily asked, now standing in front the window behind him. Cordell chuckles at the memory. "Yeah. Tried to blow up Stella's Barbie. How can I forget that?"

As Cordell looks over his shoulder at Emily, she's gone, disappearing from his life once again. He staggers to his feet, looking around and spots matches on the shelf beside him. He reaches for it but is unable to grab it while chained to the sink.

So he resorts to grabbing a skillet hanging on the wall to drag the matches close for him to grab. He dumps the matches onto the floor and grabs his gun to get a bullet out of it.

Meanwhile at the safe house, James is giving a rundown of the Grey Flag compound that he checked out with Cassie last night after Lana, the woman Trey was partnered with and saved, escaped the compound and gave them the location.

Not only that but they learn that the leader of Grey Flag turned out to be Kevin Golden, the mayor's assistant and Cassie sort of ex-boyfriend.

"Now as far as the compound itself, they were fully stocked. Uh, barracks, vehicles, weapons... you name it." James said, pointing at a map and speaking to the FBI agent that are overseeing the whole operation.

"We always knew they were regrouping in the shadows but this strong and this fast? Kevin must have set them up with some serious bankroll. I will... alert Tessa Graves. Any word from Ranger Walker?" Agent said, taking a seat at the table.

"Uh, not yet, sir. We're syncing up with him after this." Cassie replied. "At any rate, thank you for your hard work. Between you two and, uh, the work that Lana Jones did providing intel, we've made serious strides in the investigation."

"Well, the praise is appreciated, but unnecessary. Now as far as infiltration points, I think our best option is to come in from the south." James said, returning to the map. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's pump the brakes on that. We're not ready..." Agent said but stop to accept a cup of coffee that another agent hands him. "Thank you very much."

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