TEN. ᴴᵒᵐᵉˀ

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 SWINGING my feet under my desk I stared at the message that still managed to make my head hurt, It couldn't be Xavier or Tyler, I really don't know where he is right now. Walking up to my board that was wired around.

But my Pin stopped at Xavier, Maybe he had someone working for him. Pressing my hand onto my forehead I sighed, I thought no more school meant no more thinking.

"Did you start without me?" A voice said from behind the door "I didn't really get anywhere" I turned to my sister who had a mug in her hands, She stared at our board taking pieces of paper and covering the faces of our victims.

"We are going back to school In a month or so," She puts her mug down on my hand while it burnt my skin "Take it easy, We'll keep notes on our suspects"

"Oh and, Finish that tea for me. It's way too sweet" She said before leaving my room, Since Xavier got her a phone I've been in charge of it. For now.

A message popped up on my phone making my heart flutter, A message from Enid:). as I touched my phone I consciously smiled at it, 

Sitting back down I took a sip of my tea before putting it down to text her back.

Babe, When are you going to visit meee the word babe still made me cringe but I really don't care cause, It's Enid.


you know you don't have to put a dot every time you end a text

you know you don't have to call me babe.

you love it

I'll have a talk with my father


I bit my lip as I put the phone down, going out the door I stared into the almost dark gloomy hall although it was 10:59 pm. "Father" I yelled into the halls.

Groaning I stepped out of my room walking down the stairs to the living room, The house was fairly huge so it makes it easy for me to get lost randomly. "Father?" I poked my head into the kitchen.

A man standing there with a yellow apron around his waist cooking something stopped looking at me "Ah, My dreadful little soul. What is the matter?"

"I just wanted to ask if I could go visit my...Girlfriend In san Fransisco" I said almost hesitating to say the word girlfriend.

"Well,  I would hate to see you two apart, But go talk to your mother while I cook up some pancakes" He waved me away "At 10:50 in the afternoon?" 

"Don't question your  father and go ask your mother for permission"


"no," My mother said while I threw my head back "But mom, I miss her" I wailed out sitting down in front of her at her study "it takes approximately 4 hours and 12 minutes to get to San Francisco, I can handle that"

"You just came from Nevermore, Do you miss her that much?" She took off her glasses, Staying quiet I looked at her with a lame excuse of pleading eyes. "give me 5 days" She gave up shoo'ing me out of the room.

As I walked back I sat down at the Tv leaning back and enjoying my win, Suddenly a vibration snapped me back. I pulled out the phone receiving a call from the one and only.

My heart hammered due to never receiving a call from anyone, Worse receiving a call from her. Shakily picking the phone up I put the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, Claire?" I heard something fall before a groan "Uagh frick, My cup" She awed "Hello?" I swallowed in a breath "Hi" "HI, anyways what did your dad say?"

"My dad told me to talk to my mother, She said to give her 5 days" The girl cheered in excitement "Oh my god, Wednesday should come too! I'll clear out the guest room for you, Or do you wanna sleep with me?"

"If you know what I'm saying" She teased "Shut up, It was once" She hummed "Whatever makes you happy" 

looking into the phone I saw the girl opening her camera before squinting her eyes, "Oh, there we go" She said showing herself, "Wait, can you see me?" "yeah, I can" 

"I bet I look hot" She bit her lip playfully putting her hand on her chin "Open your camera" She frowned "No," "Please"

Opening the camera I saw Wednesday from my Camera making me jump "Jesus, Wednesday" I groaned at her "I love your sudden appearances but this is not the time"

"I screenshotted that," Enid said smiling sheepishly at the phone, "you sick fuck-"


I'll make another book when season two comes out, But for now. I'll use my imaginations 

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now