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 "What happened?" She groaned, I'm pretty sure she wanted to choke me for waking her up this early. "I met him, Her- Him? whatever, I met Morant" She wiped her eyes still not interested.

"And?" she muttered "We sparred and I asked questions" Wednesday tilted her head at me "what did you get?"

"Not much, He told me not to assume his gender. Weird right, He even asked if I got a date to the Midnight Dance" Hearing that Enid showed up behind me.

"Who asked if you did? tell them you're going with the most beautiful girl in the world" She put her arms around me while kissing my cheek.

"Don't worry, I told him I'm going with you" She smiled toying with the hair tie she gave me putting her arm against my arm "Look, I have one too"

"get a room" I heard my sister say laying back down and putting a pillow over her head,


as we were walking to class I spotted the principal, Wanting to say hi to her I was stopped by Wednesday pulling me back. 

She nodded to her, Shifting my head back a little I spotted her talking to Mr. Tam, It looks as if they were fighting, "Look at his hand" She whispered while I saw him gripping the ring yesterday.

Suddenly he threw the ring at her before walking away leaving her staring at him with pure anger, Her face changed once she saw us "Ah, Girls" She smiled walking up to us.

"Aren't you supposed to be in professor Tam's class right now?" She smiled, "of course, we were headed there." Wednesday replied "Ah, Don't let me stop you. Go ahead" as we walked away I felt her eyes follow us.

"Creepy" She nodded in agreement, "Ah, Welcome girls" He looked cheerful, As if nothing happened, "As for yesterday's incident," He turned to Ajax's empty seat.

"It's being sorted out" He murmured "Should we start from where we left off?" He turned to us putting his hands together while we got into our seats.

"What took you so long?" Enid asked "We had a little chat with the principal" Mr. Tam snapped his fingers to get our attention while he pointed to the board.

"As I was saying yesterday, hypnotism is still quite a mystery. All we know now is that once you are stuck in hypnosis, You still have your conscious. It's as if you're being controlled" he pointed to a picture of a brain.

"Could someone tell me the side effects of hypnosis?" I raised my hand tapping the desk nervously "Ah, Ms. Addams Go ahead"

"During hypnosis, the scientists found, a region of the brain called the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex became less active." he nodded "Excellent job Claire, Sit down"

"you see, the Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex is a brain region that subserves cognition and motor control, but the mechanisms of these functions remain unknown." I felt Enid tug my shoulder, turning around her head on the table.

I could tell she was bored out of her mind, "Focus Enid," She groaned back still leaving her head on the table. "you're hopeless," She finally raised her head from the table "hopelessly in love with you"

"You're so childish," Biting my lip I turned the other way not wanting to let her see me smile "You love it" I heard her whisper.

Looking at the board I spotted a picture of an eye with Pentagram Those marks look so familiar. I couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly the bell rang along with sighs of relieved students getting off their desks, "Alright that's enough for today,"

He yelled as the students left "Come on, Let's go eat lunch together" Enid tugged my arm "I have to talk to Professor Tam for a minute, Go on without me." She Bulged her lips before walking out with Yoko.

"Hi," I got up from my seat walking up to him, "Oh, girls what's wrong?" Wednesday crossed her arms "I wanted to ask a few questions, If that's fine"' he nodded "How do you well- Figure out when someone's hypnotized"

"Oh, Well" He turned to the picture of an eye, "You see, there's a symbol of a pentagram. It usually shows when the possessor calls out for them. the deal is made by a bond, Used with jewelry"

"As I showed you yesterday, I used a ring. other people could use anything to their liking. A necklace, A bracelet" Wednesday nodded looking him up and down.

"Thanks, We'll be going now," She said pulling me out of the room.


"Alright, So." She walked up to the board while I sat on her bed looking at her, "3 suspects already, not including Xavier" "Why not?"

"We haven't gotten concrete proof" She probably learned her lesson from last year, "Alright," She put the pictures on the board, "What were they talking about" I muttered.

"I don't know, But principle Hameed didn't seem so happy" She replied pinning the red thread from the principal to the teacher putting a piece of paper in the middle with a badly drawn ring on it.

 "We should keep an eye on the principle" I laid back down on her bed stretching, "You're not entirely wrong, We don't know when she would make a move"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now