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  It has been 3 days since I was over at her house and that- Incident I don't think I'll ever forget, "Hey" Wednesday put her hands on my shoulder making me flinch "Ah, Sorry. I've been quite jumpy these days"

"Is this about the dream again?" her tone softened while we were driving towards the gates of the school, "It was really- really traumatic" I muttered to her.

"I know, It's okay we're back at Nevermore. I'm pretty sure whatever it is, It won't follow us here" She put her hands on my leg while I smiled at her.

The car pulled back in front of the crowded entrance "Ah Nevermore, How I missed you" Wednesday tugged me out of the car, "Should we head to our dorm?" I nodded telling Lurch to help us with the luggage.

as we walked I felt eyes on me, Turning around my eyes met with Xavier. My eye twitched, But he wasn't the only one staring, tugging on my sister's shirt I had the most uncomfortable stare down with Ajax.

"did you bring the board?" I muttered to her "Of course" she held her arm in front of her keeping her posture straight while I tried my best to mimic her. "Girls," A woman stopped us, she was quite unfamiliar but I could figure out who she was.

"Ms. Hameed, Pleased to meet you" I watched as Wednesday tilt her head up to look at her "I could say the same, I've heard a lot about you two and decided I wanted to introduce myself" She smiled, "Great, Now if you excuse us. We have a lot of preparing to do"

grabbing onto my arm Wednesday pulled me along the hall while the woman gave me a sickening smile.

What the hell happened to this place?


 "God I missed the smell of our dorm" I groaned throwing myself onto my old bed, "I could say the same, Not longer Thing is going to be joining us." She told me "Oh? Of course, he is" I got up from my bed putting the luggage under it.

turning to the other box I sighed reassembling the board, This time we decided to hide it in our closet. Suddenly Wednesday's phone rang "Claire, come here" I heard her say.

I was met by the girl standing there with the phone in her hands, "hmm?" Peering my head to see the phone there was a recent text message.

Welcome back, What's wrong you look tired?

no longer the door swung open "CLAIRE" I heard Enid yell before throwing herself at me, This time I fell to the ground with a thud while the girl pecked my lips. Her luggage was slowly brought in while Wednesday just blinked at us.

"Are you done?" She muttered "No" Enid replied wrapping her legs around my waist while her arms were around my neck.

"Right, as I was saying. we should be more alert, Whoever it is has been everywhere we've been" She explained, she tapped on the phone writing a reply.

Thank you for the warm welcome


We were gathered at the Quad to listen to what the new headmaster had to say, Although she looked like she eats kids for a living I'm pretty sure we could give her a chance "Welcome, Students of Nevermore. As you heard we had an unfortunate incident with our last Principle, So I will be clocking in replace of her for a while."

"I hope to see you on your best behavior, Remember you have a fencing title early this month, Rules are going to be a little different when I'm here so I expect you all to be very cooperative or there would be consequences"

I don't like her already, Turning to Wednesday she had a disgusted look on her face I'm pretty sure we had the same thought in mind "This year is going to be a pain in the ass" I muttered to Enid "I know"

"For today you all can go have a rest and catch up with your friends, Classes start tomorrow" She covered the microphone before stepping off the stage while the students clapped. Suddenly I felt someone's hands on my shoulder.

"Wednesday?" the boy said smiling at her "Hi Xavier" I stepped in front of him not wanting him to get any close to Wednesday "How have you been? You haven't really been texting"

"Why would I? I don't need anything from you" She replied "Mhmm, as dry as ever" He smiled "How have you been" he turned to me "She's okay" Enid replied to me tugging on my hand, she's funny when she's jealous.

"Yeah alright, I'm gonna go hang with Ajax" He pointed to the guy next to him, "Hi Claire, haven't seen you in a while" the boy smiled taking out his hand, There it was. A glimpse of something silver on Xavier's, the necklace

My eyes widened as I jerked my hand out, "Ah, Sorry Wednesday and I are quite busy" I turned to her, She had the same expression of realization in her eyes "Yeah, I have to finish my novel" She muttered turning around while I followed.

"have a great time" his voice rang in my ear. "Oh and sleep more, You look like you haven't slept for days" Ajax shouted from behind laughing.


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now