TWELVE. ᵀʰᵉ ᵒˣ ᶦˢ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ʷᵒᵉ

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*yeah yk why this is here*

 Grabbing her upper thigh I made sure she doesn't move it, Working my tongue it felt as if we'd been in this position for hours.

My jaw was tired but the sounds of her moans kept me going, Her grip on my hair tightened as she tugged it back "Ah-, Shit stop" She gasped out "Claire" Her back arched as her body jerked up.

 Hearing the girl catch her breath I pulled back leaving a string of saliva while the girl shook uncontrollably, "Holy shit," her chest heaved "I saw the stars" Enid laughed her hands trembling as she grabbed her pillow.

I hummed leaning in and putting my thumb on the corner of her mouth giving her a taste of herself, "Mhmm-!" she groaned breaking the kiss.

"Bleh, Don't kiss me when you just went down on me"  Looking at her over-bruised neck I smiled to myself feeling satisfied with what I did.

She got up her legs still trembling almost tripping on her way, Putting her sweater on she made her way to the mirror "There's something with you and leaving marks"

Tilting her head to the side she traced her fingers along her neck, "it's fun" I answered back. The girl walked back with a grin plastered on her face.

She straddled my lep before hugging me, the room went silent as I focused on the pattern of her breath. "Can we stay like this for a while" She muttered "yeah, I would like that" I wrapped my hands around her shoulder burying my face into her skin.

"I adore you so much"


Walking past ms. Thornhill's old class was closed down for inspection, Or so they tell us so. Occasionally principal Hameed walks in to check up on the plants but aside from that, Nothing really happens.

"Hey" A voice came from behind almost making me jump, "Oh, Xavier. Hi?" I muttered "What are you doing here," He asked "What are you doing here"

"I asked first" I groaned "I come here occasionally" Replying I put the diary back into my bag, It could be any jewelry and I had to keep an eye out. "I'm waiting for Ajax,"

"Oh? What's up with you and him these days? seems close" he shrugged "You should talk to him more, He's really nice"

"yeah- No thanks" I got up walking back to campus, "Why not?" I squinted my eyes at him "Cause I don't want to?"

"As mean as usual" I shrugged, "Oh look, Here he comes" Ajax waved as he walked towards us, God here we go again.

"Hi Claire, Xavier" I nodded to him "Mind if I talk to her for a sec?" He blinked before heading the other way without a word, "I'm just here to say, Don't feel uncomfortable talking to me alright? I'm cool with the Enid situation"

I tilted my head wondering why this was even a topic, "Oh? what's that supposed to mean" He smiled awkwardly "I meant, With Enid choosing you over me or whatsoever I want to put that in the past"

"It wasn't even a problem in the present why bring it up" His eye twitched before he laughed "Well, As an apology would you mind going to the weathervane with me? you know, Get coffee before fencing classes"


looking at the windows I tried my best to avert his eyes but it seemed as if he liked eye contact, "so, how is she?"

"Huh?" I turned back "Enid, How is she" "She's alright, Why ask?" He put his hand on the table, "Oh nothing, I was curious"

The barista put our drinks on the table, Weathervane tea was the only thing I didn't miss about Nevermore. "You know, we do need more members for Nightshade. Bianca wanted me to ask if you and your sister were interested"

"Once again, We aren't" I put my cup down keeping my posture straight, "And I don't think my sister is interested in anything except the books in there"

"Hmm" He hummed drinking his coffee before wiping the foam off his mouth and smiling, "You know, there's a Midnight dance happening later next month," He said "I was wondering if you-"



taking my stance in front of my sister I felt nervous, "en-garde" I heard him say, She rushed at me while I blocked. I was already nervous.

kicking her legs she stepped back before pointing the blade at my neck. "A point to Wednesday," "God" I muttered to myself while we took our position once again. Without a warning, she went straight for my head.

I ducked using the blade to swiftly block it, She turned around hitting my blade onto the floor before pointing it right at my chest. "We have a winner, try again ms Addams" He turned to me while I nodded walking to the side.

"Holy shit Wednesday," I went to her "I don't think I'll ever beat you" She shook her head "Practice more" Enid ran from the other side grabbing my arm before entwining our hands.

"We should go against each other, I would love to try to beat you" She smiled "Let's not, I'm done with fencing" I groaned hugging my helmet before watching Xavier clean his blade.

He turned to Enid and then me before smiling, Weird.


groaning I was relieved that it was the end of the day, Making my way to the dorm alone my sister had to talk to the principal about a few stuff. Before opening a door a figure stood in front of our window.

I squinted my eyes hoping to see who it was behind the hood, They tilted their head up revealing a masked person. Before holding up a piece of paper the figure smiled, looking closely it was a page from the diary.

"Hey!" I yelled closing the door behind me before running towards the figure, "Oh, careful" I heard the voice say before swiftly moving out the window a glimpse of a reddish gem glistened in their robe.

Running out the door I put my hand on the cold stone, any trace of the figure. Gone. the voice was so familiar, It sounded kinda forced.

"Claire?" I heard Wednesday ask from inside "Weds, Someone was in here. I swear I saw it" the girl looked at me "What did they look like?"

"I- I don't know, they had a hood on" I muttered while she stood next to me, "Hmm, Caught what they sounded like?"

"they sounded like well- You know forced voices" she hummed before turning around and walking to our closet, I followed while she stared at the board. Picking up a piece of paper she drew a question mark on it before pinning it onto the board.

"Morant" I muttered while she turned to look at me "Let's call them Morant" She nodded before writing the words on the paper, "Did they take anything" My eyes were wide running to the table, and flipping the pages open.

"The Hypnosis pages," I replied "Then we got our suspect's intentions" she looked at the board before taking down everything except the paper with their name on it.

"Looks like we have to start over, tell me everything You did today"


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now