FOURTEEN. ᵂᵒᵉ ᵗᵒ ʰᶦᵐ

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chapter fourteen.

*warning fr*

  The voice murmured as the movie played, Enid was laid back with her back against my body while she toyed down my fingers leaning her head on my shoulder as I focused on the movie.

"You have nice fingers" I pursed my lips not knowing what type of way she meant that, "Um- What movie is this again?"  asked changing the subject "Jennifer's body, Classic."

"I've watched this a billion times and I've never been bored of it" She laughed.

"Oh," I muttered back focusing on the movie, I really didn't understand the concept of the movie but Enid seemed to be interested.

I slowly got bored while I turned my focus to the girl sitting in between my legs, 

Using my free hand I sneaked it around her neck pulling her back to face me "I'm bored" She smiled as our lips were inches apart.

Sticking the corner of her tongue out she hummed "Stay that way"

I groaned tracing circles on the nape of her neck, She laughed closing the gap between our lips.

Even up until now her soft moans still made my heart race.

I nibbled on her lower lip asking for entrance before she groaned taking a deep breath, I took the opportunity to use my tongue to part her lips, She hummed shifting upwards into a more comfortable position.

She let go of the hand she was toying with sneaking it behind my neck and deepening the kiss, the taste of the candy she just had made me aching for more.

She pulled back as her chest heaved for air.

I looked at her face as she stared at my lips entirely concentrated, turning around went to close down her computer before turning back to me. Straddling my lap before putting her arm on my shoulder.

An Idea popped up in my mind, But I was hesitant.

Putting my hand on the corner of her lip allowing me to tempt it into her mouth, She groaned at the new experience as I pressed down slightly at her tongue. Damn her teeth were sharp.

Grabbing my arm she grabbed my arm stopping me from putting too much pressure, "Hng-" She choked out as I relaxed my pressure while taking my finger out.

"That was new" She wiped the lower part of her mouth "Ah, Sorry my intrusive thoughts won." Enid smiled

This wasn't enough, I thought to myself as the need in my body grew, I was desperate. Grabbing her shoulder I pinned her to the bed intertwining our fingers.

"Topping again?" She wailed "Have mercy" her body jerked trying to get out of my grip "I'll think about it"


The room was silent, The only thing you could hear was the sound of slick movement and the moans of my girlfriend.

Her back arched against my body as I used my free hand to trace the line of her back.

Her body jerked up to the movement making me laugh while I watch her bend down with her arm on my bed while her legs struggled to keep her standing,

"Claire," She mumbled out, Enid wanted to try something new.

So I gave her just that, and with the cloth, in my hands, I carefully folded it.

"What are you doing with that" Her head shakily turned to me while her eyes were clouded from tears.

"You wanted to try something new, Am I right?"

I said resting the cloth on her eyes making sure it wasn't so tight "Blindfolded?" She laughed

"Didn't know you were into that" I leaned my body on her back while running my palm along her ger stomach She groaned as her body tensed.

I stopped at her lower stomach as she shifted desperately, Her legs buckled while I made the contact, She gasped to the familiar pace.

 "Fuck!... Oh-my god," She hummed shakily, Pressing my thumb harder on a certain spot, her body twitched while she tried to maintain her breathing pattern.

Her knuckles turned white due to griping on the sheets.

I'm pretty sure I would have to change my sheets after this but I wouldn't mind,

Suddenly a knock echoed through the room as I saw Enid clasping her hand on her mouth while I quickened her pace.

"Enid?" Ajax's voice said from the door while Enid's body trembled underneath me, I glared at the door feeling "Go on, Answer him"

"Why?" She muttered feeling her clench on my fingers as I pushed deeper "what do you want Aja-" Enid gasped putting her hand on her mouth

"Huh? May I come in" She door knob slowly opened "NO-!" Enid choked out raising her arm midway before letting it back down.

"What happened? Are you alright" I cleared my throat "She's more than okay" I replied teasing the spongey part while her cries were muffled against her own hand, her legs twitched as I felt her clench again.

"Oh, well alright I was just checking up on you," he said, Not long after I heard footsteps of him going back downstairs

"Dang, Close one" I mumbled while the girl cried out.

"Are you alright?" I smiled at her while she turned to me, Her eyes half closed as she struggled to keep her balance. 

"Please" I heard her mutter taking her hand off her mouth, I slowed my pace earning a stressful groan from the girl.

"Please what?" the sight of Enid like this made my heart pound, "Please, I'm so close" She gasped with the slightest move of my finger making me smile. 

I quickened the pace using my other hand to press on her lower stomach, This trick is usually affectionate when it comes to Enid.

She buried her head screaming into my pillow. "That's it-...Just right there"

I heard her whisper out as if she lost her voice, She gripped the sheet's face still buried into my pillow and she let out the last moan while I helped her finish.

 I let her body go before she fell to her knees with her head still on the bed, She gasped for air while her hands trembled.

Grabbing her hand I kissed the top of it before she laughed, "Claire, I'm literally going to pass out"

"Very funny Enid" I laughed back before the girl went silent, "There was no way, Enid? ENID!?"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now