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 I groaned as I felt a pain in my head, Slowly blinking my eyes open I tried making out the person in front of me.

"Wakey wakey, Claire" The voice made my heart jump, "where am I?" I muttered my vision still blurry, "Mrs, Thornhill's classroom" the voice replied "Ajax?"

 "Ding ding ding, Took you long enough to figure it out" He laughed while my vision slowly started to clear up.

he was leaning against a chair, But my focus was fixed on the girl in the chair, "enid? ENID!?" I jerked realizing I was tied up as I fell back on my knees. "What did you do"  I glared at him, "this is that,"

He smiled tracing his finger along the side of her face when he grabbed her chin making me look at the unconscious girl.

"How could you do such a thing" I muttered, "You see, She was supposed to be mine. But since you showed up, you've been messing up with my plans"

"then when I heard the news that you were dating I was hurt" He dramatically pouted, "And you see" He tilted her head up grabbing the necklace on her neck, our necklace.

"This was perfect for a hypnosis charm" he took the necklace into his hands before turning back to me, "take it as, Revenge" Ajax smiled. "Now, it's about time you chose huh" he hummed. 

"Ajax, Please don't do this" he shrugged "You don't have much time Claire" the boy leaned in closer to Enid.

"Once this is over, she'll forget about you" biting my lip I fought the tears.

"What do you want" I shouted out before he got any closer to her.

"What do I want?" he laughed "What I want? Claire, I want you dead" He walked closer to me while I shifted, and I almost got rid of the rope around my arm. just a little more. 

"I'll leave you to it, Enid" He hummed walking past me as I watch him walk out of the room, Looking back at Enid the girl was gone,

"Enid?" the room was silent, "Enid snap out of it, Please"

I choked out before the girl showed up beside me almost making me jump, "Hi babe" A flash of light flickered against her knife.

I got rid of the rope around my arm before pushing her to the table and throwing off some stuff.

She tugged my shoulder before tripping me and throwing me to the ground, I groaned watching the girl swing the knife at me.

dodging her swing the knife hit the floor with a sickening sound.

I bit my lip not wanting to hurt this girl, "babe," I muttered, as I saw her eyes soften. Taken back I let down my guard putting my hands up and slowly going towards her "It's me" I soften my voice.

The girl suddenly took a deep breath throwing me against the wall as I groaned, grabbing her arm I stopped her from plunging the knife into my stomach. gripping her arm my hands trembled as I struggle.

"Enid please," I heard my voice crack while the girl showed no empathy putting more pressure on the knife.

Suddenly tears formed in her eyes as they fell to the ground, "Enid," I smiled at her "I love you"

Taking my hands off hers before cupping her face leaving the last kiss I could give her.

Tracing my hands to her neck I pulled the necklace breaking it off her neck, Although it hurts It was the only way.

A moment of silence a sharp pain erupted in my stomach as I felt warm liquid fall from the corner of my mouth.

The girl slowly blinked before realising what she has done, taking the knife out of my stomach I groaned.

"Babe?" her voice trembled "what happened" she muttered as my legs lost its balance.

"oh my God, Claire!" she knelt down pulling me into her arms " I'm sorry" I hummed.

"stay with me, Claire, Stay with me!" she shook my shoulder putting pressure on the wound.

As she leans in putting her forehead against mine.

"please," She whispered as I felt my vision slowly blur out, as it started to get harder to breathe.

"you're all I have" was the last thing I heard before I took my last breath.

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now