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 It was again dark out, It was already lights out so It meant everyone was asleep, Since that day I've been struggling with sleeping. My eyes hurt from the brightness of my phone. 

All I could think of were those eyes, Suddenly a message popped up Why aren't you asleep? I got from me been looking at the girl who was also on her phone.

Why are you texting me when we're literally this far from each other 

she frowned before typing back Come over here, I can't sleep. taking a while staring at the message I groaned getting up from my bed.

Dragging my blanket accidentally it dropped midway but I didn't really bother picking it up, "Hi, Babe" I reached her hand out pulling me onto her bed. "Hmm" I groaned against her hand while she hugged me from the back.

Her skin was warm, warm enough to already make me feel drowsy. "This year, Is going to be such a blast" She muttered burying her head into my shoulder.

Not a while later the soft snores of the girl made me hazy, My eyes were heavy already. It was easier to sleep here due to the fairy lights. 

Finally, I fell asleep seeing something move in the corner of my eye, But I was too tired to fully take notice.


 "Look, It could have been anyone" Wednesday explained to me "Shapeshifters, Illusionist or what so ever. Maybe Your dream was a step closer to what we're looking for" 

"A bloody pair of eyes, I doubt" I replied back as we went down the spiral staircase towards the safe, We kept the diary in the safe just in case we lost it. "I'm pretty sure I saw something about it in the diary

Thing tapped the table before jumping towards the safe and cracking it open once again, the familiar book was still quite dusty even though we were gone for a while. "Bingo" Wednesday muttered putting the book in her bag.

"What are you two doing here?" A voice came from behind almost scaring me a little, "Ajax? What are you doing here?" 

he turned the other way blinking "uh, Yoko told me to help her find her earrings. Speaking of that, have you seen them?" 

We shook our heads while the boy awkwardly laughed "yeah, Okay well- Don't let me stop whatever you're doing"

Wednesday gave him the look before we walked out of the room, "Alright, So" She began flipping through the pages while we walked to our next class "here, Illusionists" she showed me a picture.

"Tend to stick with one form of Illusions but they adapt to their surroundings, Most of the time they come in contact with someone I almost make them believe they're going mad" She read "What's this"

I flipped the page back, "Hypnotist gems" She replied "It's just like the Hyde situation, Just no transformations. The subject gets stuck in a trance, Usually held with a traditional hynosis ritual. The bond between the two are connected by one object."

"Means," I stepped in front of her "It could be a bracelet, Or a necklace" She smiled "Smart, So the necklace we found might be our targets, Which means once again. There aren't just one, But two killers"

"Mhm" I hummed back before accidentally bumping into someone, "Oh, sorry sorry." He muttered pushing up his glasses before picking up his books "No, It was my fault" I muttered back not bothering to help him with the books.

"Professor Tam, Nice to meet you" He put his hand out, "Yes, Nice to meet you too" I looked at his hand before he awkwardly tugged it away "I'm your new out cast anatomy teacher" he smiled. 

"Oh, Well good luck" Wednesday said walking past him, "Right as I was saying, You saw Xavier with it am I right?"

"Yeah, we might need to keep an eye on him. We don't want the same thing as last year to happen" 


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now