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Enid was right, When we landed the air was foggy and my sister took a deep breath, "Hold my bags" I turned to her shocked "Why should I?"

"Cause I said so?" She muttered walking down the path to the airport, As I struggled to carry her handbag a lady stopped me, she looked really pretty and she had a uniform on so I assumed it was a flight attendant.

"Excuse me, Someone left this for you"

Welcome to San Fransisco, I think you'll love it here. 

with a heart on the end, As I took a deep shaky breath I put the paper in my pocket looking back at the lady. She was gone, Blinking mindlessly I ran back to my sister who was crossing her arms.


As the car stopped I stared up at the house that was similar to the one Enid send me a picture of, Pulling up the girl was already in front of the porch smiling brightly. 

As we got off the man took our luggage and brought them to the front porch while Enid ran towards us, She plugged herself at me almost making me stumble back. her hands wrapped around my neck hugging me like he was trying to suffocate me.

"Enid, Hi," Wednesday said putting her hand on my shoulder "Hi! should we go inside? I can't wait to give you two a tour" She pulled back before pecking my lips, "mhmm"

Pushing the door opened the scene of her brothers playfully fighting each other while their mother yelled at them to stop, and her father sat there smiling. "have you met the pack?" She asked us.

"No need, I just wanna rest," I told her before her face dropped "Okay then, I'll bring you to our room" She smiled while Wednesday looked at her arms, Spots of blue ink splattered across her hands.

The same blue ink as the letter.


"here we are" she pushed the door open revealing a decent-sized room, On the side was a bunk bed that seemed to be awkwardly placed "Ah sorry, I had to make my brothers bring that up. Roomies again huh?" She laughed.

"Yeah, Okay" My sister replied pulling in her luggage, "here, Let your girlfriend help you with that" I felt someone take my bag from me, "thank you."

"You mind if we put something up here?" Wednesday turned her head over to us "Like?" "A board" She tilted her head confused but nodded "That's fine"

While my sister got ready I laid myself on Enid's bed putting my arm across my eyes, She had gone down to get us a glass of water so I had time to talk with Wednesday "Hey Weds," She hummed back.

What do you think this means?" I reached into my pocket pulling out a piece of paper, Wednesday came up to me taking it from my hands before reading it. Her eyes dropped "Where exactly did you get this?"

"Some lady gave It to me, a Flight attendant" She got up pinning it onto our board, "The handwriting is messy, But it's something." she muttered, "Looks like we have another suspect" I frowned while she stared at the board.

Enid came from downstairs holding two glasses of water before staring blankly at the board "That's creepy, Why is Xavier's face there" She scrunched her nose putting the cup down.



Ok i suck at this bye, I hate having to come up with my own plotlines

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now