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Groaning I struggled to sleep in the new environment, I was at the bottom of the bunk where I was sleeping face to the wall. The air was quite cold and I could hear the soft snores of Enid, I smiled tracing my fingers on the wall.

opening my phone the brightness almost made me go blind, It was already 2 am my throat was sore from the lack of water. As I sat up I looked out the window before getting up from my bed.

Walking towards Enid I put my hand on her head tugging her hair behind her ear, Pulling her blanket over her shoulders I smiled. 

turning back I opened the door going downstairs for water, It was a peaceful house. But something felt off.

A glimpse of a shadow ran past me but I didn't acknowledge it, Bringing the glass up to the tap I filled it with water before chugging it down calming down my throat. 

A sudden loud thump from the upstairs room enlightened my senses, Putting my glass down I ran up to the room seeing Enid standing there wide-eyed shaking, "Enid, hey are you alright?" I gripped her shoulder while she stared out the open window.

"There- There was..." she muttered shakily pointing out the window "Was? what was it?" There were tears in her eyes when I asked.

"Hey, Let's get you back to bed mmh?" she turned to me wiping her tears as she nodded.

She tugged me with her by my hand towards her bed before resting back down, Turning around I felt someone grab my arm "stay" She muttered, her hand still shaking "Alright, Give me a second"

The girl nodded before hugging her pillow, I felt her watch me as I walked towards our suspect board. My breath caught in my throat, the paper was gone. 

Wires were disconnected, and Pictures were scrambled. But only one thing caught my eye.

I prefer if you don't keep souvenirs of what I sent you, goodnight  -X

in replace of the letter, I picked it up looking at the messy handwriting. How could they have been so quick? more importantly, How were they here?

A hand grabbing my waist made me shiver, and a familiar scent of perfume calmed me down "Can we go now, I'm really tired. 

You have all day to look at that board tomorrow" The girl laid her head on my shoulder before pulling me back to the bed.

"Alright, alright. Goodnight Enid" Her hand rested over my stomach as I stared up to the ceiling, who are you?


Waking up I faced Enid, Who was breathing softly. I almost forgot about last night, "Good morning" I muttered to her while she groans shoving a pillow in my face "Too early" "Wake up" Wednesday said suddenly beside us making Enid jump.

"You thirsty?" She asked me "yeah, could you get me a glass of water?" She squinted her eyes before turning back downstairs, "Mhmm" The girl beside me groaned, while I got up. Grabbing my arm she pulled me back.

tilting her head to the side her lips brushed against mine, "No Enid, Morning breath" I tried not to breathe, The girl frowned letting go of my hand while I walked to her bathroom. my hair was actually messier than before.

Bad hair day? I groaned looking into the mirror trying to fix my hair, opening the tap I washed my hands running them along my hair. "You know, You could've just asked me for a hairbrush"

She walked up to me putting her hands above my sweat pants and toying with the hem, "Do you have one?" she pulled her mouth to the side "Unless you let me brush your hair" giving her the side eye I rolled my eyes "never mind, Now leave. I have to shower"

"I have to do my makeup, can I stay?" I grabbed her hand before it went lower, "Keep your hands to yourself" Enid let out a breath before taking her hands out. "You're no funn" she wailed closing the toilet seat and sitting down and watching me fix my hair.

"When is school starting again?" she leaned down in front of me while I avert her eyes "A month or so" I replied while her lips parted, "I miss our dorm"

"here's your water" I heard someone say from outside "Seriously? Bathroom together? Contain yourselves Jesus" Wednesday knocked on the door while Enid opened it, "come out here and explain to me why our board is trashed"

"Something happened last night, Not so sure. Went down to get a glass of water then came back with Enid staring out the window" The girl looked down as if she was guilty. 

"Something was there, I swear. I thought it was Claire touching my shoulder, But when I turned those eyes stared at me, Before I could scream he ran out the window" Wednesday turned to me with a look in her eyes.

"Enid, Would you mind leaving us" Wednesday turned to her while Enid's mouth twitched a little, "Of course" She smiled getting out of the room before Wednesday went out to lock the door, She showed back up to the bathroom with concerned eyes.

"You aren't going to love this, But we have another suspect in our hands" I raised my eyebrow "Why wouldn't I like that?" "It's Xavier" my mouth hung open "how is that even possible he's mile's away from us"

"Or is he"


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now