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Staring at the hooded figure in front of our window, The light projecting over him while his shadow crept along the floor "You"

I walked up to put pushing him to the window, Although he was taller than me It was easier than I thought, "What did you do to her" He groaned grabbing my arm before pushing me back, "Calm down, She's fine" he brushed the dust of his robe.

"Where is she" I stepped back clenching my fist "Oh, Don't worry about that girl, The only thing you should be worried about right now is your life" 

I looked at him confused till he took out a knife from his sleeve "Tell me, Claire, Are you afraid of death?"

"You're funny" I sneaked my hand into Enid's jacket before tilting my head at him, "Sweet sweet Claire, You have no idea what's going to hit you" he smiled rushing towards me.

Pushing me to the ground I grabbed his arm looking at the blade which was aimed at my eyes, "You really love Enid do you?" He laughed pushing harder onto his knife.

"yes, yes I do" I used my other arm to control it before pushing him off me, Running to my sister's desk I took out a knife. "You wanted to ask me to the Dance Morant? Let's dance"

rushing towards him while he ducked grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him, "how about we talk this out huh?" He said calmly "Coward" I swiftly slashed his arm watching blood flow from it.

"What can I say, Red looks good on you" I shrugged, He wiped his cheek smearing the blood onto his fingers before putting it to his lips smiling. "Oh, Claire. What a special girl you are"

He rushed to me pushing me to the wall earning a groan, feeling a cold oresanse against my neck a smile crept on my face "Knife to the neck? You're funny" 

He laughed pushing the knife harder as I felt a sharp pain, Footsteps were heard from my sister while she made her way up here. 

The door flung open hearing my sister complain about the principle, He pulled back the bloody knife smiling against it, "Now we're even" before my sister could see he losened his grip.

I turned to Wednesday gripping onto my neck, "Weds watch ou-" before I could say anything the figure was gone "Hmm, What happened" she grabbed on my jaw tilting my head up looking at the wound.

"Morant" I muttered "how come he always leaves when I'm here, Coward." Suddenly Enid's voice came from the stairs.

she poked her head from the door looking at me "Claire?" She ran up to me pulling me in by my jaw looking at the wound "What happened?" she asked tracing her finger against it. "I'm fine, Morant was back"

"You have to be more careful" She pulled out a handkerchief from her pocket running  it along the wound while I groaned in pain.


this is short cause I have a mid term coming up and i needa keep up wit my grades

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now