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  My legs felt like they were going to fall off from running, The midnight airbrushed through my hair as I continued running. I had no idea how I was here, And I didn't bother to look back.

Suddenly I tripped on something sitting up and looking into what seemed to be an empty forest, "You're okay"

I heard the voice murmur, It was familiar. A child's voice, "Hello, Claire" The girl showed herself "You," 

"Call me Lev" The girl muttered sitting down next to me "Look, We don't have much time. Be careful of your surroundings."

"Huh? What do you mean?" She sighed, "the one you love the most will perish" Before I could ask my body shot awake as I gasped for air.

Wednesday looked at me both confused and weirded out, "Honestly, if You're going to have that reaction every time I'm waking you up I'm going to leave you asleep next time"

"I saw her" I grabbed my sister's arm "Who?"


"So I'm going to die" She answered "I like how you think that you're the one I love the most" I muttered back while we walked to class "I don't think, I know" I hit her shoulder.

"Hey guys" Enid stopped us "Hi Enid" She turned to me smiling "Are you going to class? mind if I tag along?" She put her arm on my shoulder as I caught a glimpse of her perfume.

"new perfume?" I asked, "Yeah, Do you like it?" She smiled at me as we were passing the halls, "I love it" She smiled taking her arm off my shoulder before holding my hand. "You know, The Dance is almost here,"

"Wait really?" I asked "Yeah, 3 more weeks" Wednesday replied "God, I haven't picked out my dress," "I heard the theme was a masquerade dance"

"Interesting" I muttered to Wednesday "I know!" Enid cut in, Her enthusiasm made my heart flutter "Enid, Do you have spare chapstick? My lips are kinda chapped"

She dug her hand into her pocket taking out a pink tube "Here, Lemme just" Enid puts her hand under my chin tilting it up before applying it and making eye contact, "There" I pursed my lips, "Mhmm, This is too much"

I mumbled to her "Oh?" She leaned in kissing me while Wednesday turned around with her hand on her forehead.

Pulling back she pursed her lips while I stood there shocked "Mhmm, Strawberry. I kinda like the new flavor" She muttered before pushing me into the class while Ajax stared at us mouthing something at me, I couldn't see what he said.

Putting my finger on my mouth I watched as Enid took a seat next to Yoko still eyeing me down, "You're both so cute it's disgusting" Wednesday said before walking to our seats.

"Thank you"


Looking into my phone a notification dinged, Stopping in my tracks I unlocked the phone staring at the message,

Come to the dorm, Quickk

Smiling at Enid's message I was pulled back by someone into a corner, Xavier looked at me wide-eyed with his tied hair up "What do you want"

"Stay away from this Claire, I don't want you getting hurt" He muttered, "You couldn't get my sister and now you're going for me?" I laughed "You're quite pitiful"

"Stay out of this, I'm warning you. I've seen what's going to happen in my vision" I groaned trying to pull his hands off "Xavier, What are you doing"

I heard a voice mutter, Ajax. "Let go of her" He gripped his arm while Xavier looked concerned, "Let her go" Xavier slowly took off his grip before I looked at them "Ya'll are creeps"

I muttered making my way to our dorm, Walking in I saw Enid on the bed swinging her leg while having her headphones on, "Enid," I muttered throwing myself onto the bed next to her.

"Full moon is tonight" she mumbled "I just wanted to spend time with you before it starts," I hummed laying on my back, "I've always wondered how werewolves transform"

She turned to me taking the earplugs off "Like?" "Can they transform a part of their body? Or do they have to wait until the full moon to fully transform"

"Well, I still have my claws. Oh and I have fangs now" She showed them to me while touching them with her thumb "See" The sentence muffled "interesting" 

I got up grabbing her arm before taking a closer look, "Claire" The girl mumbled "Quiet for a sec" I said back leaning closer to see, It was as if they just appeared.

I could hear her heartbeat as her hands trembled giving up from escaping my grasp, "You're one interesting girl Enid" I said loosening my grip before the girl let out a sigh of relief.

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now