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 The moonlight shined through our window making the atmosphere calm, "Wednesday, Please keep an eye on Enid. I don't want anything happening to her" I told her while I put on my shoes, "Leave that to me" she said laying down on the bed.

checking my phone it was about 11:30, I liked to be early. handing my sister her phone she stared at me weirdly "just in case anything happens, I'll call you" She blinked a little before nodding. 

"be careful, Claire." She muttered before I walked out the door, The air was damp and cold. Just how I liked it, the sound of my shoes scraping against the gravel rung against my air while I tried to think out the questions I'm going to ask Morant.

as I looked up into the glass I saw a figure looking at me, the more it pains me to admit I missed his glare. 

As I made my way up there I hesitated at the door, taking a deep breath while I turned the doorknob the room was empty. weird, I thought he was in here. "Morant?" I muttered grabbing my helmet and the blade.

"I know you're here" hearing something rustle from behind I turned around, Nothing. turning back I was met by a familiar masked face "I missed you," The voice cracked, "Shut up"

"let's get started hmm?" he hummed grabbing the foil, "2 points win?" He nodded taking a position, "Eyes up here Claire, Focus on me" I felt Pathetic taking lessons from this man, I will admit I do think I have gotten better.

Making the first move I hit his leg almost succeeding in aiming for his neck as he trips but was blocked by him ducking, "Eyes on me, Claire" I pursed my lips, I know who this man is, I just want to make sure that it was the person I intended it to be.

"Dammit" He muttered while I swiftly bent down dodging his blade allowing me to make the point, "Point to me," I said proudly while he smiled under his mask.

"Say, do you still have a date to the Dance?" I asked him while he took a swing at me while I dodged "Yeah, I do"

"Hmm" I hummed my heart thumping, He- No She is exactly who I thought it was. "Focus," He said, before I could do anything he took a swift turn pointing me right at my back, "I told you, Focus"

"how about this, if I win. You go to the Dance with me" she smiled, her tongue on the corner of his mouth.

"Desperate much" I muttered backstepping forward before trying to kick his leg failed, ducking I dodged to the side as he followed. I couldn't stop myself anymore I had to unmask whoever this is.

Breaking the rules I grabbed his collar pushing him onto the ground as he struggles, Not later he gave up looking up at me. "Play fair" He whined letting go of the blade while I straddle his lap gripping his collar.

leaning closer I slowly grabbed the end of his mask slowly lifting it off his face as he touched his neck, the mask fell off revealing the person I hoped it not to be.

 "Hi, babe" her voice changed as my hands trembled, Looking at her in horror the girl smiled "Don't look at me like that, I might not be able to control myself" she smiled as I stared into the mark in her eyes.


I managed to choke out before she put her hands on my cheek "You look so pretty right now, It's a pity I have to kill you" I jerked my hand back my heart racing in my chest. turning back I ran into the corridors hassling to my dorm.

Struggling the door open I gasped for air "Wednesday! It's-" Swinging it open I saw Enid smiling and laughing while Wednesday stared at her blankly. "Hi, babe" She waved at me, the mark on her eyes gone.

"Hi...?" I felt my hands go cold, "Where have you been, I missed you" She walked to me holding my hands before pecking my lips while Wednesday looked at me concerned. My hands were still shaking as she let go.

"Hmm, It's 3 already. I'm gonna go to sleep" my girlfriend wiped her eyes walking to her bed before putting the sheet over her shoulder. "Wednesday, I think I'm going insane"

"tell me everything"


"I see, It's a 98% chance she doesn't remember all that" I pursed my lips while my sister explained "Her conscious was dimmed down, Meaning that what she did when you were sparring wasn't all her"

My chest hurt hearing the news, "why her, Out of anyone" I muttered "We found one killer, Now we have to find the one behind it all"

Walking up to Enid I held her hand while she shifted to sleep "I will bring you back, I promise" I choked out holding in my tears before my sister puts her hand on my shoulder "I'll always be on your side" She told me.

"What do I do now" I turned to her blinking away the tears, "We both know what you have to do" A message dinged on my sister's table. taking a breath I walked to the phone.

It's either you Or Enid 

staring at the message I covered my mouth tears trickled down my face while Wednesday held my hand. 

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now