FIFTEEN. ᵂᵒᵉ'ˢ ˡᵒᵛᵉ

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*...yeah I don't even have to say anything*

 I don't really consider Xavier a friend, Nor do I think of him as an enemy. It was confusing what he was to me. Walking with him didn't help either, All I wanted to know was what happened that day.

"Sorry about yesterday, I felt a little off" He scratched the back of his head, "what happened?" I toned down my voice as his eyes dropped.

 "Hey, Look you can tell me anything" He raised his arm putting it on my shoulder before pulling me in for a hug. Although I didn't like this I thought of this as a fair trade since the Rave'N.

Patting his back he took a breath before pulling back and wiping under his eye, "Sorry, I needed that" He muttered while Wednesday look at him blankly "Hug her again and I'll break ur arm" 

"Noted" he muttered before she pulled me away from him, "Careful Claire, Just because we saw him at that state doesn't mean he's the bad guy." She muttered, "I'm heading to the Weathervane, Want something?"

"Usual" She tilted her head before nodding to me.


sitting on my sister's chair I flipped through the pages enjoying the silence, Been a while since I got the dorm to myself. at this point my head was hurting from the small letters, Groaning I laid my head back.

Wednesday left to get some fresh air while I tried to forget what I saw, the door opened as the girl walked in "Claire! I was hoping to meet you here" 

"Mhmm?" I didn't take my eyes off the book, "People were talking, About you and Xavier" She put her hands together "Oh him? why?"

"they said you've been spending a lot of time together" I hummed sitting back, "It isn't much of a deal, I need him for research. I assure you the number of feelings I have for this boy is lower than anything in the world"

Suddenly the chair spun leaving me looking up at the girl who had her hands on the armrest, She didn't look too happy.

"Yeah?" She muttered, "Yeah, Are you jealous Sinclair?" I smiled running my finger along her neck down slightly separating the fabric and showing a bit of her chest.

"Yes, yes I am Claire" she pursed her lips, Smiling I put my hands on her before leaning in to kiss her.

She hummed still keeping her hand on the armrest leaving me with nowhere to go, I urged the side of her mouth using my tongue to separate her lips before earning a familiar taste.

Groaning into her mouth her tongue twitched, Grabbing her arm I got out of my seat while holding her hand not wanting to let go. Biting her lip I pulled back before licking my lips.

The girl wiped her mouth looking at me unpleased while I grabbed my book walking over to her bed, "Seriously? That's it?" She muttered, "yeah"

I felt an arm grab me before landing on the soft mattress with a groan,  Her fingers entwined with mine while she shrugged "Not enough"

Tilting my head to the side I felt her trace my collar with her finger "How is the mark still there" She muttered "Oh I don't know, How is it still there" I rolled my eyes.

"It looks good on you either way" Enid smiled before kissing me, Feeling her leg raise in between my thighs I hummed shifting.

"You know, I forgot something" She muttered before getting off me, Going towards her drawer she pulled out a familiar piece of cloth while Walking towards me she straddled my lap before gently tieing it around my eyes "Payback's a bitch"


Groaning my hands trembled from trying to escape from the metal around my wrist, "Where did you even get this" I managed to get out while her tongue slowed down,

"Don't ask" She hummed making my back arch, "Gah-! Don't talk while you're doing that" She smiled applying more pressure on her thumb while I clenched my jaw.

Not being able to see is something, But not being able to use my hands? This is pure torture, "Enid, Enid...!" I groaned out throwing my head back.

The girl gripped the side of my leg before going deeper with her tongue, I wailed out her name heart pounding as if it was going to jump out of my chest.

"My- God" My legs shook while the knot in my stomach released with a slight groan, feeling the loss of touch I took a while to catch my breath hoping she would finally take off my blindfold.

feeling her kiss the corner of my mouth I suddenly felt a sudden touch with her fingers "Hng-! Enid wait, Sensitive" I wailed out using my hand to grip her shoulder although it didn't work either.

Feeling her leave sloppy kisses along my jawline before smiling against my neck while I threw my head back, My body jerked while she started a familiar pace.

my body trembled against her while I felt her leave marks almost everywhere, Not being able to muffle my noises I gave up eventually letting everything out while still struggling to catch my breath.

"You hugged him didn't you?" She asked suddenly while I arched against her body feeling her push deeper before hitting just the spot "Gah! Enid" I groaned out "Did you?"

Gripping her shoulder I wanted to make her mad, "Yes, And all I have to sa-" I breathed out "Say, is- he's a good hugger" I managed to get out before I felt the girl's teeth run along my collar.

"He is?" "Yeah," I said my voice cracking, while I smiled. I wanted to see what face she was making, I wanted to see it so badly.

I felt my body jerk, "Enid... Enid, I'm so close" I whispered before biting my lip and tasting blood, "Hmm" She hummed before I threw my head back.

Suddenly I felt the girl slow down before the pace stopped, I whined as my lips quivered. "Enid" I whined out desperate for her touch "I was so close"

"I know" she pecked my lips before taking off my blindfold "You're joking, Are you seriously going to edge me and keep me like this"

She shrugged "Maybe," she smiled at me while my chest heaved for air, "You look good this way, Oh and don't expect me to finish you any sooner" Enid ran her finger along my lower stomach while my body tensed.

"Fuck you"

"Technically, I fucked you" 

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now