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  The girl's legs trembled as she made her way towards her school screaming and yelling for someone, Anyone. 

Her throat burned as the rain washed off the blood slowly flowing down the side of her face, while she looked at the girl in her arms who was barely breathing properly tears still flowing down her eyes.

Her heart shattered knowing she might not be able to save the girl she loved, The blonde fell onto her knees in front of the doors of nevermore as whispers and gasps filled the hall. 

", anyone" the girl cried out while no one moved, not even the teachers. She wanted to scream, Scream her lungs out. 

Someone pushed through the crowd making the blonde feel slightly better, Xavier and Wednesday stood there wide eyes as Wednesday looked at her sister.

the sight made her want to puke, clenching her fist and running towards her sister's body kneeling down to put her hand on the side of her cheek.

 She stared at the body that was barely breathing for a while as Xavier yelled for someone to call 911, "Claire," she struggled to open her eyes.

 "It's Wednesday," Tears trickled down her eyes as the brunette looked at her sister not being able to make any facial expressions "Stay awake for me, hey?" her voice cracked as the sounds of sirens echoed throughout the woods.

"Claire?" the blonde shook her girlfriend's shoulder as the reality slowly dimmed away, and the sirens became louder and louder.

 and not sooner police and nurses flooded the place while people had to hold down the girl who was begging to go with her girlfriend "one person only" the police told them while Wednesday looked back at Enid.

The girl sighed walking back allowing the girl to go past her, With tears in her eyes she hugged Wednesday before going into the ambulance looking at the girl who looked so peaceful.

 She smiled shakily putting her hand on her cheek "I'm sorry"


Claire's pov

Flickering my eyes open the pain in my stomach seemed to be, Gone. Touching my stomach I looked around realizing where I was "Hi, Claire" the little girl's voice came from behind making me jump.

"Ah Hi, Haven't seen you in a while" she walked towards me breaking a few branches "I'm here to make a deal." She tilted her head to look at me "A deal?"

"I can heal you, just like how my sister healed yours. But I won't be able to do that without consequences like how my sister did" She explained "Fair enough"

I looked through the foggy forest, "Alright then, Would you like to be healed?" I squinted my eyes "What's going to happen to me after you do bring me back."

"That, You will find out sooner. Will you take the risk?" I shifted not sure about this, But at the same time. Enid.

"Yes, I will accept anything. Bring me back" She tugged me down "Good luck" she hummed before leaving a small peck on my cheek after everything went dark again.


Enid's pov

 sitting on the chair I buried my head into my hands as I listened to the clicks of heels against the hospital floor, It was already midnight while Wednesday sat next to me tapping her chair. 

A fairly dressed doctor walked out with Xavier who looked like he haven't slept for hours, "She's okay" he said with a weak smile on her face, My heart jumped as I got out of my seat rushing towards the room.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm "Wait but-" struggling against his grip I groaned "Let go, Xavier. or do you want me to take ur eyes out with my own fingers instead" I muttered feeling the boy slowly let go.

Swinging the door open I was met with a girl on the bed looking out the window, She turned to me as her eyes softened "Claire" I whispered closing the door behind me before quickly walking to her.

Cupping her face I kissed her, "Never again will I lose you" I hummed against the kiss while the girl gently put her hands on mine pulling back looking confused.

"I'm sorry, Who are you?"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now