THIRTEEN. ᵗʰᵉ ʷᶦˡᵈᵉˢᵗ ʷᵒᵉ ᶦˢ ˡᵒᵛᵉ

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Chapter Thirteen.

As we expected she did make a move, And the move wasn't so small after all. The next morning we were woken up by sirens echoing across the school, everyone was checking out what happened.

As I rubbed my eye I looked over to Enid, Who was already on the balcony. As I went towards her I saw the brutal scene of the flesh-breaking, bone-shattering body of Mr. Tam, Enid was shaking while I put my jacket around her.

it was 2 in the morning and there was already a commotion happening, I looked up to the other side seeing principal Hameed standing on her balcony and looking down at him followed by Xavier looking up at us from the crime scene.

His body was splattered against the gravel, at this point, you can't really make up what he looked like. While the nurse put whatever was left of him on the bed they closed the ambulance door driving off.

"What the heck" Enid's hand trembled against mine, "Pleasant morning If I could say," Wednesday said standing next to me while I held Enid's hand.

"Looks like we got our first actual suspect" She turned to Principle Hameed who was already looking at us, A smile crept on her face as she waved at us. No sooner she walked back inside while I tried calming Enid down.

The sounds of sirens died down after a few minutes but I'm pretty sure everyone in school was wide awake, "Did he commit suicide" Enid asked me "Looks like it"

"Or someone made it seem like it" Wednesday cut in while I looked at her confused, She walked to our closet opening the door bringing a red marker with her.

I pulled the covers over her shoulder kissing her cheek before walking to my sister, A huge red cross on Mr. Tam's face was drawn by her. "We have to get a talk with the principal"

She said putting on a jacket before leaving out the door, I ran to Enid while she held my hand "Meeting the principal, Stay here" I told her before grabbing her jacket and putting it around my shoulder.


Knocking on the door a voice hummed from the other side "Come in," The room was dimmed while someone went out of the room, Xavier. 

He turned to make eye contact with me before walking out of the room. before I could question her she put her cup down with a loud thud "So girls, What's wrong?"

"What did you do" Wednesday walked up to her "Addams, I've told you once assuming isn't a nice way to go"My sister's hand gripped into a fist "I know it was you," She pointed at her neck, "You did a poor job hiding that necklace"

"Oh, this? This was a gift " She smiled toying with the metal "Oh was it, what was Xavier doing here?" I walked towards her "Now claire, Let's not go this far. You wouldn't want anything happening to Sinclair would you?"

"Sinclair...?" I walked up to her grabbing her collar "What did you do to my girlfriend" She put her hands up, "let's not get physical, She's safe. It's just that you too really have some nerve confronting someone without proof"

"You better watch your back" I mutter to her loosening the grip on her collar before running out the door and running back to our dorm.

Swinging the door open I turned to Enid's bed, and my heart dropped. she was gone                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now