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 It's been quite confusing these days As if no one was trusted in this environment except from Wednesday and my girlfriend. I couldn't let anything happen to them, It was why I am here right now.

Bending down under Principle Hameed's desk going through trying to find whatever proof Or an explanation why Xavier was here last night. And how He left right when Morant showed up.

Was it him? 

I opened a drawer filled with cigarettes and cringed, Digging into it there was something in between the boxes. A key, I knew this key.

A key to Ms. Thornhill's old classroom, Why would she have it and not the police? I didn't have much time till Mr. Tam's funeral started, Wednesday and Enid already got ready and went to the event while I was here.

the door rattled jerking all my senses, Looking around I swiftly went into the other room hiding between the curtains. Footsteps that seemed to be to people entered the room.

"You failed your one task" I heard her say "I'm sorry, I should've done better" Xavier muttered as his voice toned down, she sighed probably lighting a cigar. "Leave, Before someone sees you gone"

The door closed before I let a breath out, "Enid Sinclair, You have no idea what's going to happen to you" I heard her say before my hands trembled, My heart pounded as the scenario flashed through my mind.


Running through the halls I waited patiently for the principal to leave so I can finally get out of that confined environment, My throat already started burning as my chest pained from what she said.

What was she going to do to her, The sentence ran through my head over and over again as I accidentally bumped into someone. "Woah there, Slow down," Xavier said "Rushing to the Funeral?"

"Yeah," I choked out before he put his hands into his pocket, "Well, I'm not going to stop you. Go ahead"

I glanced at his arm that was still in his pocket, "Why hide your hand? Did something happen" I walked to the side "Oh nothing important" I heard him say before I ran to Wednesday.

"What took you so long, The good part was almost over" Enid hit her shoulder "You say some cruel things," She muttered while the sun showed on us. "It's hot there" I muttered putting my hands together.

"I got a key," I tilted my head towards Wednesday "to?" "The greenhouse" She turned to me with a half smile, "Claire, You are definitely my sister" She put her hand on my shoulder with a pat while I looked proud.

"Mhmm, Isn't she amazing," Enid said before grabbing onto my arm and putting it around her shoulder, I rested my chin on her shoulder looking at the boy in front of me who was already glaring.

I smiled at Ajax not making it obvious that I was trying to make him jealous, I watch as his hand curled into a fist before clenching his jaw. Oh, how good this felt, I buried my face to the side of her neck pecking the skin before her body tensed.

"Claire, We're at a funeral" She pushed my bead back while I frowned.


    It was genuinely the worst idea I've ever gotten, Going in without a plan? What was she thinking? I grabbed my sister's arm to make sure she was sure about this, "Coward" She muttered before swinging the door open.

The plants were as fresh as It was the last time we saw them, Walking towards the Dendrophylax Lindenii smiling at it "memories huh" Wednesday muttered walking aside from me.

Turning to the teacher's table we were shocked, there were Ritual marks and offerings scattered on the table to the floor. the blood dripped from the side of the table, It looked fresh somehow.

I swiped my hand across the table picking up the blood, "It's from last night" I told Wednesday, "That fresh?" I nodded.

"Looks like we aren't against two, But 3. One main hypnotist and 2 subjects" Wednesday said picking up a piece of paper.

A drawing of a necklace, The necklace we found. "This is what we're looking for" I took the paper from her putting it into my bag.

Suddenly a bang was heard outside of the greenery before my sister grabbed my arm instinct, "Let's go" She muttered pulling me out before locking the door and sliding the key back into her pocket, we ran for the school not bothering to look back.

Running into Ajax who was talking to Enid I pulled my sister back joining their conversation, "What did you mean by that" I heard Enid say, "I'm just saying," He shrugged while Enid looked mad.

"Take no as an answer Jesus-" She muttered turning back and bumping into me, "Woah, Calm down. What happened?"

"Oh, Nothing babe. Let's get away from this creep" She eyed down Ajax before holding my hand and pulling me into the halls while my sister followed from behind.

"you know, Since Mr. Tam, we have a few days off till the new teacher comes, Wanna hang out and watch a movie" She put her arm around my shoulder, I'm still mad she's taller than me "No, I'm still trying to recover from the last movie I watched"

I laughed at the flashed back of Tyler making Wendesady watch that terrible movie, "Oh, Well alright then. Do you mind if we take the Dorm for a few hours then?" She stepped in front of us looking on Wednesday putting her hands together.

"Why?" She asked while I watched Enid's glance stay on my hands which were toying with her hair tie "Personal reasons" She smiled at me.


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now