ELEVEN. ʰᶦˢ ᵗᵃˡᵉ ᵒᶠ ʷᵒᵉ

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It was a beautiful morning, Sitting down with her family eating breakfast while Wednesday gave her brothers weird stares. "You do know you have a staring problem," One of them said "What's your point"

He turned away not wanting to look at her, "Well- Thank you for the meal" I awkwardly got up from my chair, "I wanna go explore a little" My sister looked at me before giving me an approving look.

"I'll come with you," Enid said happily before taking a big gulp out of her cup, She smacked the cup down wiping her mouth "Let's GO"

the girl wrapped her arms around my shoulder pulling me outside, I lead her to the place in front of her window while she shuffles awkwardly "What are we doing here? I thought you wanted to explore"

"Technically I am," I replied back bending down at the leaves, No footmarks? Whoever did this was good at it "it's creepy how they didn't leave any footprints on the way," Enid said "I know, Whoever did this, It wasn't their first time doing it"

"Well- You wanna go back? we can fix your board" She muttered "Or have some...us time" She pulled me up smiling, "I'm sorry, But here? Your poor brother's ears"

"Dammit" She turned the other way before walking back home, A glimpse of something caught my eye. A necklace?


Walking into the house it was as chaotic as ever, I ignored her brothers while making my way up to our room. Wednesday was already there pinning all the pictures together.

"Weds, Look" I passed her the Necklace, "Fascinating" She muttered pinning it onto the board, "How about, We keep that somewhere else? we don't want anyone coming back to trash our board" She turned to me agreeing.

"We have to head back home in 2 days, School is almost starting," She said, "mhmm, another year, another mystery"

"It's going to get quite interesting," Wednesday said before heading into the bathroom for a shower.

A knock ran against the door and was followed by a voice "babe, open the door" I heard Enid say continuously knocking  "Coming," I yelled back sliding the door open, She poked her head into the room smiling.

wrapping her arms around my neck she kissed me, I hummed grabbing her arm and giving up on stopping her. She pulled back grinning ear to ear "I haven't done that In a while" I felt my stomach bubble.

Suddenly the bathroom door opened, My sister dressed in her casual clothes and with wet hair stared at us with disappointment "Why waste my words on you two" She muttered to herself.

She put the bracelet on her table when I felt Enid shift, "Let's finish this up shall we?" 


Once again it was at night, There was something about this place I can't seem to put my finger on. it kinda scares me.

Pulling out my phone I decided to plug my earphones in hoping the music would put me to sleep, turning to the other side of the bed a pair of eyes looked at me. 

It was bloodshot red, I couldn't see the body. Nor face, just those eyes staring at me from the corner of the door.

I put my hand on my mouth stopping myself from screaming, it's okay Claire, It's just one of your wack ass dreams I told myself looking away from it, Turning to the window there was another one.

This time it was grinning, Ear to ear as if its mouth was split, My hands trembled as it looked at me. Closing my eyes I looked up not wanting to see it, Slowly opening my eyes it was in front of me, its eyes still bloodshot red.

Gasping I shot out of my bed looking around, It was just a dream. was it? A knock on the door snapped me back from my senses. "babe, Open the door. It's me" My heart dropped to my stomach.

turning my head to the bed across from the room the girl lay there peacefully, "babe, Come on. It's scary out here"

I got up from my bed almost tripping on the way "Enid, Enid?!" I whisper and yelled to her shaking her, Slowly she opened her eyes and groaned "Claire?" The voice behind the door still repeated "Please tell me you hear that"

she sat up slowly "hear what?" the room was silent, Too silent "hey, Are you okay" I didn't realize there were tears in my eyes. My heart thumped from the realization, Hasting to the table I scrambled for the necklace.


ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now