Chapter 18 - Jelly Legs

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I feel like I literally passed out from pleasure for a moment. Once I'm capable of speech again, I whisper to Taehyung, "OK, now I know what you mean."

"About what?" he asks, running his fingers through my hair.

"Almost dying of pleasure. I think I fainted! That's never happened to me before." His chest shakes with laughter.

"So, I did OK?"

I squeeze him and laugh, too. "If you do any better, I will probably literally die."

"Speaking of dying, I'm really really hungry now," he says, kissing me on the end of my nose. "Is pizza alright?"

"Sure," I say. "Anything's fine. I could eat a horse."

Taehyung picks up his phone and dials. "Yes, I would like one large horse pizza," he says, totally confusing the woman who answers. I cackle and pinch his side, causing him to twitch and squirm away. "Sorry, that was a joke," he tells her, and places our actual order.

I borrow one of Tae's long t-shirts and he throws on a pair of boxer briefs so that we can eat, and we munch our way through most of the pizza. Taehyung insists on feeding me the last bite of a piece from his fingers. "Mmm, that's so good," I murmur, 'accidentally' sucking his forefinger into my mouth along with it. I'm rewarded with a quick intake of breath from Tae. He grabs the last slice with his right hand while his left hand slowly trails up from my knee, slipping under the hem of the t-shirt and stopping only centimeters from my crotch. I press my lips together to keep from moaning.

Without a word passing between us, we both drop our food and push our plates aside. Taehyung shoves the pizza box to the far end of the table. He leans over and kisses me, licking across both of my lips playfully before our tongues meet, making me giggle. I run my fingers down his broad back as far as I can reach, and then add just a hint of scratch on the way back up, noticing the goosebumps that rise on his skin from the sensation. We both stand up, but we're still kissing, so Tae has to bend way down. He disengages for a moment and gives me an eye-smile. "You're so short, Noona!"

I fake a snarl at him. "I'm not short! You're just too tall!" and we both laugh. Tae suddenly grabs me around the waist and lifts me onto the table, and I squeak in surprise. He leans down again to kiss me, but pulls away almost immediately.

"No, not good enough." He bends his knees and slides his hands under my bare ass to lift me up, and I wrap my arms and legs around him as he carries me to the near end of the kitchen island. "Ah, this is better!" he says, laughing into my mouth and running his hands up under the shirt to tease and squeeze my breasts. I massage his neck and shoulders while we kiss, pulling away to ask, "Do you have a kink in your neck from kissing a 160 centimeter tall person?"

He answers, "No, but feel free to keep doing that." I giggle and poke him in the ribs with my forefinger, then bury my hands in his fluffy hair instead.

Tae pulls me closer to the edge of the island, and I wrap my legs around his waist again as he starts to grind his silk-covered bulge against my naked crotch. I groan and arch my back at the contact, spreading my legs wider. Our kisses get fiercer, my hands now clenching at his shoulder blades while his hands keep a firm grip on my ass to keep me from sliding away across the slick marble surface as he thrusts. He brings one hand around to tease my clit, then slides a finger smoothly into me. "Ah, so wet! Are you ready for me?" he purrs.

"Yes, please, babe," I say, looking into his dark brown eyes through my eyelashes.

He pulls down his underwear just far enough to let his penis spring free, then realizes that he doesn't have a condom handy. "Shit, I'll be right back!" he says, pulling his underwear back up into a tent and giving me a quick peck on the end of my nose. I lean back on my elbows against the cold stone surface, kicking my feet and quaking in impatient anticipation. Tae is back very soon, and I smile when I see that he has already taken his erection out again and is rolling the condom on as he walks. He gives it a couple of quick pumps, wraps his free hand around my back, looks deeply into my eyes, and then slowly, slowly guides his dick into me. I lean back and shudder with pleasure as his shaft delves in up to the hilt, making me burn and clench around him.

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