Chapter 52 - Winter Bear

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Tae is turning his head from side to side, studying himself in the bathroom mirror when I walk in to brush my teeth

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Tae is turning his head from side to side, studying himself in the bathroom mirror when I walk in to brush my teeth. "What are you doing, babe?" I ask.

"Birdie, I want to grow my beard."

I grin. "That sounds sexy!"

He beams at me. "Really? You wouldn't mind?"

"No, not at all. You always look hot when you have a five o-clock shadow, so a full beard will probably be CRAZY hot!" I smile at his reflection. "But then, you are unfairly gorgeous in general."

He grins, and rubs his stubble. "Think how much time I will save, not shaving."

I giggle. "Good point, love. I'm going to stop shaving, too."

He raises his eyebrows and smiles at me. "Sure, if it makes you happy. I don't mind!"

"I'm just kidding. I actually really like having my legs all smooth. It feels so good when I climb into bed and the sheets rub over them." He does his sexy snarl at me and hums in agreement.

Over the next few days, Taehyung's beard begins to grow in. To be honest, it's more of a faint dark mustache and a soul patch, but I don't mention that to him. It's also a bit scratchy when we kiss, I'm not going to lie, but he's so proud and happy about it that I can't complain.


Today is Saturday, a week before Christmas, and we finally have real snow on the ground! We spent the last couple of hours decorating an artificial Christmas tree and putting up some other holiday décor. Taehyung keeps making references to "our first Christmas together," which freaks me out a little bit, but he's adorably excited about it all.

I am standing in the living room looking up recipes for eggnog on my phone when he walks out of the bedroom shirtless and tells me, "OK, stay still for a minute Birdie, I'm going to do a film for ARMY and put it on Instagram."

I raise my eyebrows at him. "Like that? Half-naked?"

He grins. "Yeah! It's a Christmas gift!"

I laugh and shake my head. "You are merciless! You're going to kill half of ARMY for the holidays!"

Tae wolf smiles, and cues up Ella Fitzgerald singing Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas. I put a finger across my lips to remind myself not to sing along while he's recording, then start laughing and have to go into the kitchen to make hot water for tea, so I won't ruin his Insta.

"Eunen Sae! Come tell me what you think!" He shows me the video of him dancing around in front of the tree for ten or fifteen seconds, making what he thinks are sultry faces into the camera. "What do you think?"

I giggle. "Very sexy, babe! Do you think the company is going to freak out? They might ban you from Instagram."

He shrugs, putting his arms around me and pulling my face into his bare chest. I laugh and kiss the flat space between his pecs, wrapping my arms around his waist, then tilt my head back to look at him.

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