Chapter 27 - Shopping Montage

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"Birdie, did you hear about the party?" Taehyung asks, handing me my coffee

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"Birdie, did you hear about the party?" Taehyung asks, handing me my coffee.

"Thanks, babe. No, what party?" I say, yawning.

"Hybe's party, on Saturday night. To celebrate the presidential envoy thing. The whole company is invited."

"Oh, huh. I should probably read my emails every few days. What kind of party is it going to be?" I take a big gulp.

"Semi-formal dress, lots of VIPs, up on the 19th floor, from what I hear." He looks at me over the rim of his orange juice glass to gauge my reaction.

"Well, that sounds terrifying. And I don't have anything to wear. So I'm pretty sure I'm sick that day."

Tae laughs and puts his juice cup down, then walks around the end of the kitchen island to wrap me in a back hug. "Oh, you have to be there, Birdie! I don't want to go if you aren't going, but I have to go. We'll go shopping and get you something pretty to wear."

I lean my head back against his chest and sigh heavily, then grin up at him. "Babe, you know I hate shopping. This isn't going to turn into some cheesy-ass K-drama shopping montage experience, is it?"

His deep laughter vibrates through my back as he bends down to kiss my forehead. "You are so weird, noona. I don't understand how you can hate shopping so much. What if I promise that it will take no more than an hour?"

I set my coffee down, turn in his embrace and wrap my arms around his waist, smiling up at him. "How about half an hour? We'll just dart in, grab the first thing that's fancy enough and not too ugly, and run back out?"

Tae laughs at me. "But don't you think it will be more fun if you're shopping with me? Maybe you will enjoy it!"

"How do you even shop, though? Do you have to take ten bodyguards?"

"Sometimes I arrange to go in after the store is closed for the evening, so there won't be other people there," he explains.

I nod. "Ah, that makes sense."

"So you'll do it? You'll let me take you shopping?"

I sigh again. "Yeah, if I can't just skip the party, I guess I'll have to." Tae squeezes me tight. "It will be nice to have a fashion expert along, anyway!" I squeeze him back.


Around 10 p.m. on Wednesday night, we both don our masks and baseball caps, and head out in the SUV to a high-end department store. The staff all bow politely and usher us into a dressing area. Taehyung asks the severely-dressed woman who is in charge of helping us to bring out all the latest cocktail dresses in my size.

"By 'all of them,' he means the five or six that look most promising," I interject. Tae laughs and shakes his head.

"OK, five or six to start, then."

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