Chapter 4 - Yoongi's Studio

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I wake up early, just before 8, and it takes me a minute to realize that today is the day I get to go to the Hybe building and watch Taehyung and Yoongi work in the studio.

The plan is that I will observe while they record the demo version of Lighthouse - the recording that will go to Bang Si-hyuk for revisions. Butterflies are rustling their wings in my stomach, and I open the armoire to stare at all of my clothing.

'Does it matter what I wear? Probably not. I should look professional, but then again, I think the guys are pretty casual while they're recording. What if it's cold in the studio? Maybe I should wear a cardigan? But why would it be cold - it's a brand new building, I'm sure it has state of the art climate control. Anyway, if the air conditioning is too cold, I could probably just ask the guys to turn it down. Why am I worrying about this?'

I shake my head and walk out into the main room, trying to decide if I want breakfast or a shower first. In the end, I throw on some clothes to walk to my favorite coffee shop nearby. 'We aren't even meeting until 11. Get a grip, woman!' I scold myself, and pile my curls on top of my head in a messy bun.

The brisk walk helps to settle my mind, and the pumpkin bread I order for breakfast is delicious. The cappuccino just stirs up my internal butterflies, though. I take a detour on the way home to walk around a nearby pond, trying to get serene.

'Seriously, you're just going to be sitting there watching a couple of guys work. Chill the hell out!' But I keep imagining Taehyung's soulful eyes and boxy smile, and for some reason it's making me very jittery.

I end up taking a bubble bath rather than a shower, again aiming for calm, and then dress myself sensibly in flowy beige slacks, a pink and green floral blouse, and a dark green short-sleeved cardigan. I make sure to wear stockings, so that I won't be barefooted in Yoongi's new studio. 'They usually take off their shoes in the studios, right? Haven't I seen that? Now I'm not sure. Oh well, better safe than sorry.'

Taehyung has kindly arranged to meet me in the lounge, in case I don't remember where Yoongi's studio is located. Honestly, I would probably have had to ask someone for directions if I had to navigate alone.

The elevator doors slide open and my eyes go straight to him. He's leaning against the wall. He looks like he's trying to look cool, which makes me smile. This is my first time seeing his Butter-era linguine hair in person, and it's... well, it's something! Definitely not my favorite look on him, but oh well. 'At least we all know that it can hold a lot of plastic cutlery!' I think, and try not to smirk visibly.

I eye-smile at him over my mask, and he grins back. It feels really weird to see him in person after three weeks of nightly phone calls...

"Hi!" I say, shyly.

"Hi," he says, staring at me and then dropping his eyes.

"Good to see you," I say. 'Oh my god, why is this so awkward?'

"You too. Shall we?" He gestures at the elevator and we head up to the studio level. As we ride, I smell that familiar scent once more and look up at Taehyung. He looks over at me and raises his eyebrows.

"You smell like chamomile and jasmine," I say, crinkling my eyes at him over my mask.

"It's my lotion. You smell like flowers, too, but I don't know what kind," he replies.

"Freesias," I tell him, "It's my bubble bath," and we both laugh awkwardly.

Yoongi rolls over in his chair to open the door at Taehyung's knock, then stands to bow slightly and give me a fistbump. I smile at him. "Gosh, so formal! Nice to see you again, Min Yoongi-shi."

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