Chapter 58 - Practice Honeymoon

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[Content Warning: This chapter and the following two contain a lot of sexual activity. Reader discretion is advised.]

We're having a light breakfast out on the pool deck the next morning when Taehyung suddenly gives me a tiger stare and says, "Birdie, I think today should be a practice honeymoon."

I know what he means, but I decide to play dumb and give him an uncomprehending look. "What on earth is a practice honeymoon?" I ask, laughing.

"You know, we should just stay in the room all day, and, you know..." He bites his lip at me.

"Ahh, OK, I see where you're going with this!" I say. "I am kind of tired after all the snorkeling and kayaking yesterday, so a lazy day of resting and reading in our room sounds good." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Oh, I didn't mean we should rest!" he says with a wolfish grin.

I can feel myself blushing as I take a sip of coffee. Then I clear my throat and ask, "So what exactly did you have in mind, Mr. Kim?"

"Well, I think we should just try anything we've never tried before, you know?"

I pretend not to understand him again, because it's so adorable that he won't just come out and say what he means. "You mean like that pempek dish on the room service menu? Or a hot stone massage?" I can't keep a straight face, though, and start laughing.

Taehyung rolls his eyes. "You're not funny, Birdie," he says, but he starts laughing too. "You know what I mean!"

"Well, if you mean what I think you mean, I should finish my breakfast and have a quick soak in the hot tub to limber up. I'm a little stiff and sore after all that swimming and paddling yesterday." I chug the rest of my coffee, stand up, untie my complimentary robe and let it fall to the pool deck, then walk naked into the hot tub.

"Oh, damn!" he groans. He chomps down the last bite of his croissant and darts into the cabana to grab condoms, then takes off his own robe, following me into the warm water. He gently massages my shoulders and neck, dotting them with kisses.

"Mmmm, that feels so good, babe. You're so talented with your hands..." I say, smiling flirtatiously at him over my shoulder. When my muscles feel loose enough, I turn around and wrap my legs around his waist under water, gently paddling with my hands to stay in place. He grabs my hips and pulls me in closer.

"Birdie, you are gorgeous and I want to do all kinds of things to you," he says in his deep-and-sexy voice.

I look down in faux shyness, then meet his eyes and say, "Things like what? You still haven't told me what we're doing today." I tilt my head back and grin at him.

He kisses my neck. "Well, we've never tried the six and nine position," he says, watching to see how I will react.

I smile at him. "I wonder if that would even work? Our bodies are such different lengths... Maybe if we both lie on our sides, and you kind of curl more?" I hunch over slightly in the water to demonstrate what I mean, and he grins.

"We've never done it sitting in a chair, either," he points out. "Or in a hot tub."

I laugh and reach out to grab his shoulders, pulling myself closer to him. "A hot tub, you say?" I lean in and kiss him.

I'm pretty confident that a lot of people have had sex in water, but I'm not sure how they accomplish it. Maybe it's just that Tae is so large, but despite our best efforts, it doesn't work for us. The water seems to wash all my natural lubricants away, and he can't get more than the first centimeter into me without a lot of discomfort.

After a few attempts, I tell him, "I think this experiment is a failure. Let's try the chair one instead. How about one of the lounges there?"

Taehyung sits down naked on the reclined lounge chair and pumps himself a couple of times, then invites me to sit on his lap, also facing forward. I carefully lower myself onto his erect cock, gasping, and he pushes the button to slowly raise the back of the chair, then buries his face in my curls. "Oh, uh, you smell so nice. Like salt and warm sunshine," he purrs.

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