Chapter 56 - Nae Sarang

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"Sorry!" I say, giving them each a little apologetic head bob as I fish my phone out of my purse. The text is from Tae, of course. How does he always have such perfect timing? I step outside of the restaurant to read it.

Birdie, how is your friendcation going?

I just got here, but so far, so good! We're having gomtang for lunch. How is yours?

Ugh, I'm starving! We're still 40 minutes away from the restaurant. We're going to have mak-guksu.

Mmm, that sounds good, too! You don't have any car snacks to tide you over?

No, we decided that it wouldn't look good on camera, but now I regret that.

😆 See, babe, this is why it's better to be authentic instead of cool. I'm sorry you're starving, though, my love! Is there a rest area where you can stop for snacks?

We'll be OK. The mak-guksu will taste even better on an empty stomach.

That's true, too. It's just you and your Seo Joon and Peakboy hyungs today, right?

Yes. Woosik-ie will come tonight, and Hyungsik-ie tomorrow morning.

Ah, I'm so glad they could all make it. I hope you guys have a fabulous time! Tell the two I've met 'hi' for me, when the cameras aren't on!

I will. Do you miss your other friend? The nosy one?

🤣 Oh my god, that's too accurate! I do miss her, but I'm also a little glad she's not here, because these other two are already grilling me pretty hard, trying to figure out if there's anything going on between the two of us. Speaking of which, I should probably go back inside. But text me again when you get a chance, love! I won't text you, because the cameras might be rolling.

OK. I think we'll be to the restaurant soon. I'll talk to you later. Love you!

Love you, too!

I flop back down in my seat, and scoop up a spoonful of soup, then notice that they are both staring at me. "What?" I say, slurping up the broth.

"Was that him?" Colleen says. "KTH?"

I smile, and calmly scoop up some rice to dip in my broth. "Yep. He was checking to see if I got here OK. And he's starving because they didn't bring any car snacks." I roll my eyes and laugh.

They both stare at me some more.

"OK, what is with you two?" I ask. "Seriously. He's my best friend in Seoul, of course we text each other."

They both raise their eyebrows and sit back a little.

"You're just friends?" Kyunghee asks, her tone accusatory.

I quickly shove a bunch of noodles in my mouth, and make a "Mmm-mmm!" sound at her. It's not lying if it's unintelligible, right?


Kyunghee's mom insists that we all come have dinner at their place Sunday night. It's great to see the whole family, and her bulgogi is just as tender and amazing as I remembered.

"Eomma, what is the secret of your bulgogi recipe?" I ask her.

"I make it with love!" she answers, looking mysterious.

I laugh and roll my eyes. "I tried that, and it didn't turn out this delicious!"

Kyunghee looks at me shrewdly. "Hmm, who did you make this love bulgogi for, anyway?"

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