THIRTY-SIX: You've Been Served

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Hi loves, all court-related things coming in the story may not be accurate or correct, but I'm an Australian trying to understand American law. Please do feel free to leave comments on changes to add to any law/court moments, and I'll correct myself if it seems/sounds right.

* Xavier *

I woke up to a knock at the door, groaning I climbed out of bed noticing Gabriella was missing from it, I walked out to the door since the knocking was still going on, and I noticed Gabriella and the girls in the kitchen having breakfast on my walk past.

"Mr Flemming," the person at the door asked the second I opened it, he was wearing a black suit. "Yes?" I asked him worried about what was about to happen, "you've been served," he said handing me an envelope that I had just noticed in his hand, I took it watching him walk off leaving me at the door, envelope in hand and a look on my face that I was worried the public would notice, slowly turning around I walked back into the house shutting the door behind me and walked into the house, I walked over to my room again and closed the door behind me sitting on the bed I opened the envelope and took the letter out.

Dear Mr Xavier Flemming,

You are hereby served to attend court on the 24th of November regarding custody between Alice Flemming over Willow Flemming and Rocket Flemming.

Please respond to this notice by the 15th of November, or we'll go ahead with the proceedings without your attendance.

Regards, William Scott

Taking a deep breath, I reread the letter countless times before it was taken from my hands and replaced by a soft pair and pair of brown eyes staring into my own. "I think it's time we pay my dad a visit," Gabriella said softly, slowly standing up I straightened myself grabbed the letter from the bed and turned towards the door giving Gabriella a slight nod. "Girls, get your shoes on," I said, walking out of the room, "where are we going?" Willow asked coming to a stop in front of me with Rocket by her side, "we're going to go see Matt," I simply said making them both smile before running off to get their shoes.

Quickly changing into a pair of shorts and a shirt I put my shoes on before all three of us left the house,. I followed them next door and into the house where they were already hugging Matt and Alec. 

"Xavier," Matt simply said before pointing towards his office, nodding my head I followed him to his office, envelope still in my hand as we made our way into the room closing the door behind me. Matt took the letter from my hand reading it himself before grabbing his phone and instantly dialling a number.

I sat there for what felt like forever as Matt spoke on the phone, occasionally looking over at me before hanging up the phone. "Alright my lawyer has agreed to help, he knows a rough outline of what's going on. Tomorrow you and Gabriella will accompany me to his office and we'll get it sorted," Matt explained, nodding my head as I stood up.

"Thank you, Matt, I know it's taken the lot of us to get to where we are but I'm grateful for everything you've done for myself and the girls," I said, "of course," Matt said patting my back before we exited the office and made our way towards the living room where we could hear the girls singing to High School Musical.

"How's my girls been?" Matt asked, "good," Gabriella, Rocket and Willow replied making us all smile, I sat down on a chair, Gabriella taking my lap almost instantly making me wrap my arms around her as I nudged her with my face.

"Everything all good?" She asked looking at me, I looked at the girls dancing with Alec, and Matt sitting watching the two of them before I focused on Gabriella, "for now," I gave her a soft smile before softly kissing her shoulder.


Apologies for this chapter taking forever. I sort of lost inspiration for writing and reading on Wattpad and in general.

Got a lot going on atm trying to find a house to move to, dealing with a 3 year-old, money (lol), playing sims4 whenever I get the chance and now looking into recording some games for Youtube.

Sadly I am mainly just aiming to finish this book as I've grown out of love with it, I don't want to just delete it so I'm going to try my best to finish it as best as possible. I also don't know how many more chapters remain, there are a few key points to this story left so for now I'll upload until I find it's ready to stop. I know how it'll end just not sure about how long or what will take place in between.

Lots of love Jess

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